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The Doctrine of the Church Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
The Doctrine of the Church - Research Paper Example For what reason would you say you are so discouraged, O my spirit? For what reason do...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The National Security Policy
The National Security Policy Most Potentially useful Suggestions for Improving the National Security Policymaking Process Perfect goal setting is a useful suggestion that can aid in improving the policy making process. Goals should be articulated in a clear and concise manner. Clear goals should consider the vital priorities of the people in the country. A deep analysis and selection of the best options should be done to ensure that the government uses the best and the most effective approach towards the policy-making process.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The National Security Policy-Making Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The other vital consideration would be a clear articulation of policy and rationale after the analysis. This refers to the process of making plans, programs and decisions needed in the policy making so as to ensure that the choices made cannot influenced by political malice and prevailing mindsets1. In addition , effective execution of the process is extremely vital. In most cases, there are problems concerned with breakdowns of communication and organizational issues about politics and media. There is a need to follow an honest way of executing the policymaking process and its implementation2. Without an effective execution, the goal of the policymaking process can be lost, and the results may become disastrous to the country. In addition, the policy making process should be monitored and appraised as required by law. There should be standards set to ensure that the process runs smoothly without distractions. There should be no rigidities during implementation, and this enabled by the use of monitoring mechanisms. After finishing the policymaking process, there should be clear feedback loops to assess the results of the policies concerned3. Another vital way of improving the national security policymaking is creating reliable memory storage and an ability to recall the most vital informat ion. Memory storage ensures that policy makers learn from experiences, and they use the experiences to make the best decisions in every step of policymaking. For example, a newly elected government can use information from the previous governments’ archives to create a perfect learning ability based on the experiences. The high technological improvement sweeps the world at large in storage of data and information for later retrieval. The above suggestions improve the security policymaking process in the country4.Advertising Looking for coursework on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The least potentially useful suggestions for improving the national security policymaking process Making the president be in control of the policy making process is not as vital as the above-mentioned suggestions. Policymaking needs control and a president can delegate those duties to a reliable body or person. It is vital to note that the president can lead a country, but that does not mean that he possesses the expertise needed to oversee policy-making process. In addition, a president usually has many responsibilities such that it becomes difficult to get enough time to oversee the policy making process in an effective way. This is the reason as to why the president does not have to be the one who controls the national security policymaking process. The only thing that he should do is to ensure that he gives the responsibilities to reliable persons who will oversee the process without external or personal influences. In addition, the president should ensure that resources are utilized in the best way possible to avoid malicious dealings. The president should also ensure that there exists a system of accountability, so that he can be aware of what those who are in charge do and do not do. Thus, a president does not have to be in charge of the policy making process, he only needs to ensure that he gives the responsibilities to reliable persons5. Bibliography Goleman, Daniel. Social intelligence: the new science of human relationships. New York: Bantam Books, 2006. Hasler, Susan. Intelligence. New York: Thomas Dunne Books-St. Martins Press, 2010. Pfiffner, James P and Mark Phythian. Intelligence and national security policymaking on Iraq:British and American perspectives. College Station: Texas A M University Press, 2008.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The National Security Policy-Making Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sarkesian, Sam C., John Allen Williams, and Stephen J. Cimbala. US national security: policymakers, processes, and politics. 4th ed. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008. Stern, Paul C and Daniel Druckman. International conflict resolution after the Cold War. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2000. Footnotes 1 James P. Pfiffner and Mark Phythian . Intelligence and national security policymaking on Iraq: British and American perspectives (College Station: Texas A M University Press, 2008), 45. 2 Sam C. Sarkesian, John Allen Williams and Stephen J Cimbala. US national security: policymakers, processes, and politics (4th ed. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008), 37. 3 Paul C. Stern and Daniel Druckman. International conflict resolution after the Cold War (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2000), 64. 4 Daniel Goleman. Social intelligence: the new science of human relationships (New York: Bantam Books, 2006), 54. 5 Susan Hasler. Intelligence (New York: Thomas Dunne Books-St. Martins Press, 2010), 69.Advertising Looking for coursework on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Art of the Civil Rights Movement
Art of the Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Era of the 1950s and 1960s was a time in Americas history of ferment, change, and sacrifice as many people fought, and died, for racial equality. As the nation celebrates and honors the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Jan. 15, 1929) on the third Monday of January each year, it is a good time to recognize the artists of different races and ethnicities who responded to what was happening during the years of the 50s and 60s with work that still powerfully expresses the turmoil and injustice of that period. These artists created works of beauty and meaning in their chosen medium and genre that continue to speak compellingly to us today as the struggle for racial equality continues. Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties at the Brooklyn Museum of Art In 2014, 50 years after the establishment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, the Brooklyn Museum of Art hosted an exhibit called Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties. The political artworks in the exhibit helped promote the Civil Rights Movement. The exhibit included work by 66 artists, some well-known, such as Faith Ringgold, Norman Rockwell, Sam Gilliam, Philip Guston, and others, and included painting, graphics, drawing, assemblage, photography, and sculpture, along with written reflections by the artists. The work can be seen here and here. According to Dawn Levesque in the article, Artists of the Civil Rights Movement: A Retrospective, The Brooklyn Museum curator, Dr. Teresa Carbone, was surprised at how much of the exhibits work has been overlooked from well-known studies about the 1960s. When writers chronicle the Civil Rights Movement, they often neglect the political artwork of that period. She says, its the intersection of art and activism. As stated on the Brooklyn Museum website about the exhibit: â€Å"The 1960s was a period of dramatic social and cultural upheaval, when artists aligned themselves with the massive campaign to end discrimination and bridged racial borders through creative work and acts of protest. Bringing activism to bear in gestural and geometric abstraction, assemblage, Minimalism, Pop imagery, and photography, these artists produced powerful works informed by the experience of inequality, conflict, and empowerment. In the process, they tested the political viability of their art, and originated subjects that spoke to resistance, self-definition, and blackness.†Faith Ringgold and the American People, Black Light Series Faith Ringgold (b. 1930), included in the exhibit, is a particularly inspirational American artist, author, and teacher who was pivotal to the Civil Rights Movement and is known primarily for her narrative quilts of the late 1970s. However, before that, in the 1960s, she did a series of important but less well-known paintings exploring race, gender, and class in her American People series (1962-1967) and Black Light series (1967-1969). The National Museum of Women in the Arts exhibited 49 of Ringgolds Civil Rights paintings in 2013 in a show called America People, Black Light: Faith Ringgolds Paintings of the 1960s. These works can be seen here. Throughout her career Faith Ringgold has used her art to express her opinions on racism and gender inequality, creating powerful works that have helped bring awareness of racial and gender inequality to many, both young and old. She has written a number of childrens books, including the award-winning beautifully illustrated Tar Beach. You can see more of Ringgolds childrens books here. See videos of Faith Ringgold on MAKERS, the largest video collection of womens stories, speaking about her art and activism. Norman Rockwell and Civil Rights Even Norman Rockwell, the well-known painter of idyllic American scenes, painted a series of Civil Rights Paintings and was included in the Brooklyn exhibit. As Angelo Lopez writes in her article, Norman Rockwell and the Civil Rights Paintings, Rockwell was influenced by close friends and family to paint some of the problems of American society rather than merely the wholesome sweet scenes he had been doing for the Saturday Evening Post. When Rockwell began working for Look Magazine he was able to do scenes expressing his views on social justice. One of the most famous was The Problem We All Live With, which shows the drama of school integration. Arts of the Civil Rights Movement at the Smithsonian Institution Other artists and visual voices for the Civil Rights Movement can be seen through a collection of art from the Smithsonian Institution. The program, Oh Freedom! Teaching African American Civil Rights Through American Art at the Smithsonian, teaches the history of the Civil Rights movement and the struggles for racial equality beyond the 1960s through the powerful images that artists created. The website is an excellent resource for teachers, with descriptions of the artwork along with its meaning and historical context, and a variety of lesson plans to use in the classroom.  Teaching students about the Civil Rights Movement is as important today as ever, and expressing political views through art remains a powerful tool in the struggle for equality and social justice.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Health and Social Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Health and Social Research Methods - Essay Example Libya is one of the rich countries of the world located in the region of North Africa. The population of Libya is around six million. 22.1 percent lives in the rural area. Average life of the people is around 75 years. Mortality rate is around 6.9 under the age of 5. Libya is an oil-rich and upper middle-income country located in North Africa region with a population of slightly above six million, out of which 22.1 percent lives in a rural area. (Toebes et al., 2013). The Libyan Red Crescent is a Voluntary aid organization, was formed in 1957. The purpose was to provide medicines and other medical facilities in the cities of Libya. Record shows that the health system needs to improve in Libya. The volunteers of this organization are doing their work properly in providing the medical aids to the people affected by the disasters. The volunteers of this organization are improving themselves by providing relief to the general public (Ahsan Ullah, 2014). Their motive is to help humanities specially disabled persons to ensure that they are provided free and better medical treatments. Their development programs are the evidence of their intention of the work. The additional work of this organization is to prevent the people from disease, providing healthy food, protection of poor people, preparation for disasters, donate blood, recovery of the disease and organizing programs to maintain peace in the society (Martin et al., 2014). The volunteers of Libya Red Crescent Organization are providing better services of medical aid facilities to the people who are injured in the disasters. The volunteers have several issues, which have to be resolved. However, there is a need for research to identify and examine the issues faced by the volunteers. The employees of the organization address some of the issues lack of training and motivation. There is a need to find the issues, inspect them get
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
ISMG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
ISMG - Essay Example Atkins, and many others in the MDCM IT department were already aware of this. MDCM, Inc. Strategic IT Portfolio Management, Page 2. During the meeting there were many options made available to the IT department. The IT department would implement new strategies in an effort to cut costs, and save the company money. McMullen has found blame for the companies loss of revenue in the previous five quarters on the IT department. McMullen hired Atkins to begin an assessment of the IT department, and to help the company begin posting profits again as soon as possible. Atkins began his position with an internal audit of the IT department. Some of the options discussed in the meeting were to create a company email. Every personnel who needed to communicate would be given their own email address. With a just one email address for everyone in the company this will filter out possible important information being filtered to the junk folder by the recipients email provider. The company was going t o an overhaul the computer system within the organization. The company was going to update all computers throughout. Every computer would then operate with the same operating system. With the computers operate with the same operating system the computer would be compatible with each other. Currently there are computers with four types of operating systems. The computers are not compatible with each other. ... The company will also create a website. The website will allow customers to order products directly from the site with no need to contact a representative in the organization. The website will allow a customer to leave an email message, and to contact the company if necessary. The company will implement new strategies for the different offices too effectively, and efficiently communicate with one another. The company will cut some of the labor force. The United States division of the company currently has the largest work force. The company will begin to eliminate some of the jobs. Every position the company eliminates will help the company save money. The company wanted to assess the situation, and develop the most effective solution to the company’s current situation. The company will use the savings of cutting some of the positions and appropriate the funds to the Information Technology department. Atkins requested an increase in the budget for the IT department. The compan y found they could not increase the current budget of the IT department without cutting costs elsewhere. The company, Atkins, and the leaders of the IT department have developed the strategy to cut some of the positions and re appropriate the funds to the IT department budget. With the extra funds available to the IT department the company will be permitted to implement the strategies, and recommendations made by Atkins, and other leaders of the IT department. When the company implements one network, this will be beneficial to the company. There can possibly be a strong financial gain to incorporating one network. In having only one network, the associates in France will communicate more efficiently, and effectively. The network will be one, so there will be no compatibility
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Economic Systems Essay Example for Free
Economic Systems Essay Under a capitalist economic system, individuals own all resources, both human and non-human. Governments intervene only minimally in the operation of markets, primarily to protect the private-property rights of individuals. Free markets in which suppliers and demanders can enter and exit the market at their own discretion are fundamental to the capitalist economic system. The concept of laissez-faire, that is, leaving the coordination of individuals wants to be controlled by the market, is also a tenet of capitalism. In a capitalist system, individuals own resources, either through inheritance or through industry. The individual receives compensation for the use of resources by others. This, combined with inherited wealth of the person, determines an individuals spending power. The accumulated spending power and the willingness of individuals to allocate resources to consumption determine demand. The availability and costs of resources, together with the potential for profits of firms, determine supply. In a market system the demand of consumers combined with the supply of producers determine what and how much will be produced. Socialism Under a socialist economic system, individuals own their own human capital and the government owns most other, non-human resources that is, most of the major factors of production are owned by the state. Land, factories, and major machinery are publicly owned. A socialist system is a form of command economy in which prices and production are set by the state. Movement of resources, including the movement of labor, is strictly controlled. Resources can only move at the direction of the centralized planning authority. Economic decisions about what and how much, how, and for whom are all made by the state through its central planning agencies. Communism Under a communist economic system, all resources, both human and non-human, are owned by the state. The government takes on a central planning role directing both production and consumption in a socially desirable manner. Central planners forecast a socially beneficial future and determine the production needed to obtain that outcome. The central planners make all decisions, guided by what they believe to be good for the country. The central planners also allocate the production to consumers based on their assessment of the individuals need. Basic human needs and wants would be met according to the Marxist principle, From each according to his ability to produce, to each according to his need.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Entertainemnt Industry :: Art
The Entertainemnt Industry In the past five years, the entertainment industry has been more and more focused on the idea of reality-based entertainment. This vast desire for seemingly live television has made a great impact upon major network television stations. Shows such as MTV’s Real World and CBS’s Survivor are great indicators of society’s obsession with drama in a â€Å"live†situation. It seems our infatuation with these shows stems from our desire to focus our attention away from our own tribulations and focus on problems elsewhere. Our mysterious want for conflict among others has forced many networks to provoke such drama, for example in Survivor, where castaways are forced to take sides and vote another member off the island. This idea of social Darwinism in shows like Survivor and the ever so popular Big Brother force major networks to create entertainment that both provoke and stimulate disagreement among participants. Personally, I feel that because of television†™s fixation with reality-based programs, people are now turning to the movie industry to get away from such realistic forms of entertainment. Popular movies such as Bedazzled, The Ladies Man, and The Exorcist all deal with fantasy type situations. Bedazzled, starring Brendan Frasier and Elizabeth Hurley is about a man who sells his soul to the devil, played by Hurley. Moviegoers can simply escape reality for a few hours by entertaining themselves with themes such as this. Genres focusing on such fantasy are rarely seen on prime-time television these days, especially on the major networks such as FOX and ABC. Why is this? Well my impression is that people feel as if they deserve to come home and take their mind of the troubles they had for the day. By being able to watch shows such as ER, which ranked first among viewers this past week, people can direct their attention onto another person’s drama while ignoring their own. Voyeurism today is clearly an indicator of change in taste for viewers around the world. According to Time Almanac:1999, the top three shows of 1998 were Seinfeld, Veronica’s Closet, and Friends. If you look at the top three shows during months while a reality based show is being aired, you will most typically find that show to be number one among viewers in the rankings. This growing trend of live-based entertainment is setting a new stage for twenty first century viewers today. Real-life issues however can be distorted at times when being seen second hand.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Is Pvc Acceptable for Gas Furnace Flue?
Is PVC an acceptable vent material for flue gases? Installing a new water heater or furnace can be tricky for the novice HVAC technician. There are many checks that need to be done and codes that need to be followed. While not being complete with the internals can lead to a harmful situation, one of the most important decisions that you will have to make is what material you should make the flue out of. Most furnace flues are made out of a metal material which is a proper decision do the high temperatures released through the flue during the use of the furnace.Due to the cost of metal, some technicians have chosen to use PVC pipe as material for furnace flues as a less expensive alternative. Polyvinyl Chloride, otherwise known as PVC is a hard plastic pipe typically used in plumbing applications. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe is the third most widely produced plastic in the world behind only polyethylene and polypropylene. Wikipedia quotes that PVC is â€Å"cheaper and stronger than more traditional alternatives such as copper or ductile iron.It can be made softer and more flexible by the addition of plasticizes, the widely used Phthlates. In this form, it is used in clothing , upholstery, and electrical insulation. †After inspections of commercial and residential installations, Inspectors have discovered that using PVC pipe can lead to destructive and possibly harmful conditions. It was noted that if the water heater scales up due to minerals in the water supply, it can cause the flue gas temperatures to rise which can lead to the fittings and pipe melting.Melting of the PVC pipe can be very dangerous. If behind a wall or in the ceiling, a melted pipe can leak condensation and create mold growth behind drywall. Even more dangerous is the release of carbon monoxide gas out of a melted pipe. Carbon Monoxide is a lethal gas and can lead to a fatal situation. Manufacturers sometimes recommend using PVC for their installations. Research has found that although th ey recommend using PVC pipe, it is not necessarily safe and I would not recommend using it due to the melting hazard.The funny part I find is that although there is not a standard in any of the codes in the United States for PVC or plastic combustion flue vents, most manufactures ask you to reference the U. S. code. There is a Canadian standard which allows temperatures of the flue to exceed the temperatures limits of the manufacturer of the PVC material. The Canadian standard (ULC S636) covers the venting of gas fired appliances. It classifies the temperatures of the venting systems in three different classes.The fist class is a class one venting system for gas fired appliances producing flue temperatures of 135 degrees C (275 F) but not more than 245 C (473 F). A class two venting system produces temperatures of 135 C (275 F). A class three venting system is classified into 4 temperatures. 1) up to and including 65 C. 2) up to and including 90 C. 3) up to and including 110 C. 4) u p to and including 135 C. I did a little research on a major manufacture of PVC and other plastics, JM Eagle, and could not find any PVC manufactures that can reach those limitations as gas flue temperatures can reach above 250 F.In closing and after my research, I find that using Stainless steel for your gas furnace or boiler flue is not only essential but necessary as a safety precaution. Although it is a little more expensive, you will not have the melting hazard and the risk of the release of Carbon Monoxide. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- References: http://www. plumbingengineer. com/may_11/code. php Is PVC an acceptable vent material for flue gases? By Ron George CPD http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Polyvinyl_chloride www. jmeagle. com
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Poems September 1913 and Easter 1916 Essay
New Irish Hereford Prime bonus THE 90+ days pre-booking bonus is available from the 1st November 2012. If you will have cattle ready for slaughter from this date they should be booked in from the beginning of August 2012. Heifer & Steer qualifying weight range 220kg – 380kg SEE NEXT PAGE FOR EXAMPLE HEIFERS & STEERS >>> What is the new Irish Hereford Prime bonus worth to you Eg. 580kg HEX Heifer – Grading O+4- @ 51% kill out = 296kg carcase – 15c/kg – Under 300kg carcase Hereford Prime bonus + 6c/kg QA – Earn extra â‚ ¬62 – 20c/kg – Under 300kg carcase & pre-booked 28 days + 6c/kg QA – Earn extra â‚ ¬77 – 25c/kg – Under 300kg carcase & pre-booked 90 days + 6c/kg QA – Earn extra â‚ ¬92 If this animal graded R+ or better it would also get a further 6c/kg Hereford quality bonus and be worth â‚ ¬110 extra in Irish Hereford Prime The new Hereford Prime bonus can be worth up to 31c/kg on this R+ heifer under 300kg carcass Eg. 675kg HEX Steer – Grading R-4- @ 52% kill out = 351kg carcase – 10c/kg – Standard Hereford Prime bonus + 6c/kg QA – Earn extra â‚ ¬56 – 15c/kg – Pre-booking 28 days in advance + 6c/kg QA – Earn extra â‚ ¬74 – 20c/kg – Pre-booking 90 days in advance + 6c/kg QA – Earn extra â‚ ¬91 If this animal graded R+ or better it would also get a further 6c/kg Hereford quality bonus and be worth over â‚ ¬112 extra in Irish Hereford Prime The new Hereford Prime bonus can be worth up to 26c/kg on this R+ steer
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Implementing Speed Limits
Implementing Speed Limits Speed limits are set putting into consideration the type of road and the time of the day. A speed limit of 70mph has been proposed in the United States especially in rural areas and those that have low populations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Implementing Speed Limits specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main aim of increasing the speed limit is to improve transportation services and increase the rate at which goods and services are delivered. It should be viewed as a measure to get traffic to move fast as a result of a uniform flow of traffic (1). This would make the roads safer since there would be no competition between the fast and slow moving vehicles. When cautiously implemented, increased speed limits would result to low rates of accidents because drivers tend to be more attentive when driving at high speeds and as result, there would be low insurance claims. The small changes occurring in form of toxic em issions from automobiles do not affect the environment. The most common pollutant, nitrogen dioxide may exceed the target emissions only in city centers but not on highways. Another major pollutant is airborne particulates that results from large diesel engines especially of buses and transit vehicles. The amount of this pollutant is not affected by any change in speed hence an increase in speed limit to 70mph will not cause any negative effects to the environment (1). Many other pollutants including carbon dioxide are emitted in large amounts at low speeds hence raisin the speed limit would be an added advantage to the environment since low levels of pollutants would be released at high speeds. Increased speeds would have negligible effect on the occurrence of traffic noise. This noise is created by the friction between the road surface and the tires of the vehicle (1). A high contribution to noise levels result from the weight of the vehicles and the quality of the road surface. M ore so, most highways are remote and McDonnell, Roberts. Governor McDonnell Announces 70 mph Speed Limits on 680 Miles of Interstate. Office of Governor: Virginia, 2010. far from residential areas and this makes traffic noise irrelevant since it does not affect anyone in that case. A raise in speed limit would as well affect the economy with the most evident benefit being the value of time that is saved despite the prices of fuel. The value of the time saved might be more valuable than the extra costs of fuel calculated. An increase in speed limit would result to elevated fuel consumption and consequently an increase in fuel tax rates (1). The treasury would benefit by earning extra income from the increased tax rates.Advertising Looking for essay on law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Increasing the speed limit would promote safety of the motorists by allowing a consistent speed between them. Speed limits would b e posted on all highways to guide drivers and this would reduce accident rates by motorists. The number of drivers who break the law would be reduced since most drivers prefer high speeds which would now be acceptable by the law. It is also better to set realistic speed limits that will be followed by motorists than to let them ignore the badly set ones which would result to numerous accidents (1). In case of low speed limits, faster drivers tend to find other routes that have less law enforcement although they are more dangerous. An increase of a reasonable speed limit would make them get back to the roads which are constructed to suit the high speeds and are even safer to use. McDonnell, Roberts. Governor McDonnell Announces 70 mph Speed Limits on 680 Miles of Interstate. Office of Governor: Virginia, 2010. Bibliography McDonnell, Roberts. Governor McDonnell Announces 70 mph Speed Limits on 680Â Miles of Interstate. Office of Governor: Virginia, 2010.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Art of Publicity for the Self-Publishing Author
The Art of Publicity for the Self-Publishing Author The Art of Publicity for the Self-Publishing Author Tim Moore is a Reedsy publicist with over 20 years experience managing successful sales, marketing and publicity campaigns for major publishing companies as well as several independents. Along with Mitch Albert, he co-founded Periscope Books in 2014 and The Momentum Publishing Company in 2016.Publicity has always been the darling of book promotion. Unlike sales or marketing campaigns, book publicity helps build an author’s brand by generating endorsements from media brands: in many cases, these can be in the form of reviews. These kinds of promotions are known to have a greater effect on consumer behavior than, say, an advert on the side of a bus. The problem with book publicity, of course, is how to generate it in the first place - which is why an entire industry has sprung up around this question! #Selfpub authors: What are your publicity options? Every week, over twenty-thousand books are published in the English language. Most of them, if not all, vie for attention from the same media outlets. That’s where book publicists step in. Publicists are expected to use their experience and media contacts to place books - and the story behind the book - in the right hands.Once prospective readers are exposed to your book (with positive reinforcement from a reviewer or a charming interview) copies will ideally start flying off the shelves.Advertising is what you pay for, but publicity is what you pray forIf publicity is unpredictable compared to ads, then why should authors and publishers roll the dice on publicists? Well, for one, it’s much better at influencing buyer decisions, which can be largely attributed to the effect of a third party endorsement. This â€Å"endorsement†could be a review from their daily newspaper of choice or a simple mention from their favorite morning radio DJ. A Nielsen study on the role of content in the consumer decision-making process concluded that PR is almost 90% more effective than advertising.This is the main reason book publicists are in business: when they're good, they can really move the needle and create a buzz around your book. This momentum often starts with exposure within the book trade. Then it’s on to real work of building word of mouth out in the wider world. Publicity is certainly not the only marketing channel available for books - but it is certainly one of the more cost-effective ones, especially when used in conjunction with social media. "In publishing, advertising is what you pay for - but publicity is what you pray for" Do it yourselfBook publicity, which is all about persuading people to give your book attention, is more of an art than a science. This means that anybody can give it a go - and perhaps get positive results. For example, local radio stations are always interested in hearing from local authors. You can get work on your own social media strategy and start contacting influential YouTubers, Instagrammers, and Twitter users. Sometimes, offering free books and merchandise to use in contests is enough to get them on board.Here's an example of a (high-profile) YouTube paid promotion: Just remember: media people of all levels will want to see your press release, so make sure you have one prepared!Before you swear off professional publicists, be aware that once you’re targeting media outlets of a certain size, most producers, editors, and other gatekeepers will not respond directly to authors. Just as most major publishing houses will insist on dealing with agents, getting access national media will likely require an experienced publicist with pre-existing contacts. That’s a big chunk of what you’re paying for with publicity! How can #selfpub authors become DIY publicists? That brings us onto our next question: once you’ve made the decision to seek out a publicist, how much should you expect to pay?Setting a publicity budgetWhen you self-publish, you won’t soon forget that you are likely paying for publicity out of your own pocket - so you need to make sure what you spend makes sense for your project.Here’s a general rule of thumb for book marketing budgets that I find works across most types of books: aim to spend $0.75 to $1 per book sale forecasted. So, if the book has sold 5,000 copies into bookstores, then a publicity and marketing budget of $3,750 to $5,000 is about right.But what if a book is self-published and distributed only through Kindle and KDP? There’s still a way you can forecast a title that doesn’t use traditional distribution channels:1) Carefully choose three comparable titles (comparable both in its subject matter and the size of its author’s platform)2) Establish their overall sales ranks on Amazon by looking at the Product Details on their respective pages. How much should #selfpub authors budget for marketing? Find out here! Now that you’re armed with a ballpark publicity budget, let’s look at who you should hire for the job.The right person for the jobIdeally, you want to find a publicist who has worked on similar projects in the past - books in the same genre or covering the same type of subject matter, ideally written by authors with a similar profile as you. If you’re trying to a promote a popular science title, it helps if your publicist has established contacts at media outlets like Scientific American.Most publicists are versatile, but they often prefer to work within their established niches.If you're searching for book publicists for the first time through Reedsy or a similar platform, just look at their book portfolios. Have they represented similar books in the past? Do they have a long history in publicity and marketing? What’s their experience with both online and traditional media?Make a short list of professionals and get in touch with them. Ask them about the recent campaigns, and find out what their definition of a â€Å"successful campaign†is. It’s crucial at this point that both your expectations are in line - if you have your heart set on getting on the local news, then your publicist needs to have a well-founded belief that they can pull it off.The more experience a publicist has, the more you can expect to pay. And since most publicists book themselves out well ahead of time, be sure to start your search at least six months before your publishing date.Start thinking strategicallyAfter finding your perfect publicist, you'll need to agree on a strategy. A good book publicist will tailor their strategy to the book as well as to the author. For example, a well-known celebrity debut novel might not get much interest in the review pages - but it might receive a lot of interest from radio and television producers, as well as feature editors.On the other hand, a self-help author would probably have better penetration on lo cal radio. Every approach will yield different results, so it's up to you and your publicist to figure out the strategy that will serve your book best.What’s the story?In every situation, it is of utmost importance to determine the unique selling point of the book: the publicity angle. To come up with great publicity angles, you need to think like a journalist and remember the 4 W's (and 1 H):WHAT is particularly newsworthy about the book?WHY is this news important to the target audience?WHERE is the author from?WHEN is the book being published?HOW did this book come about?A professional publicist can help you develop this story. But if you're going solo, make sure you think along these lines. It will not only help you determine the newsworthiness of your book but will likely reveal which channels you should pitch to.Don’t forget the easy winsThe most important thing when considering any publicity is to marry expectations to reality. It's fine to aim for dream exposure like national press coverage, but not at the expense of lower hanging fruit. Make sure your ‘hit list’ contains a good balance of achievable goals as well as ‘stretch’ goals and you’ll be fine.‘Publicity by Results’ and other blurred linesJust one more thing...Book publicists traditionally work on a retainer, for a set fee - or, occasionally, on a day rate. But some publicists are now choosing to work on a ‘publicity by results’ basis. A model that has long existed in general publicity, this concept has since found its way into the book world. It's pretty straightforward: you only pay for actual publicity your book receives.For example: let’s say an author or publishing house agrees to pay a per-interview fee to secure exposure over twenty radio interviews, but the publicist only books twelve. Well, a refund would be issued for the difference. But if the publicist arranges twenty-five interviews, the client still on ly pays for twenty.Some social media initiatives can also be arranged on a similar basis. For example, many popular Instagram accounts will give your book a "shout out†for a set fee. Publicity by Results: How authors can pay only for the coverage they get Get a quoteThe art of book publicity revolves around finding out why your book matters - and why readers should all take notice. The real tricky business is getting this information into the right hands. But when it all comes together, book publicity is a powerful force.Learn more about publicity in self-publishing and get a free quote from Tim Moore and other top publicists on the Reedsy Marketplace.Do you have experience working with a publicist on your book? Share your thoughts and questions for Tim in the comments below.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The movie Idiocracy Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Idiocracy - Movie Review Example Against his will, the Luke Wilson character is succeeding in life. His children will have much more opportunities than he does, and more than any of Dax's children. However, the premise feeds into our insecurity about the state of the world and a general feeling that things are going downhill. People have believed this since the beginning of time. This movie was probably shown because in it there is a connection between humour and thoughtfulness. Ideas are present along with the silly gags. This is a good way to illustrate that some comedy can be a social commentary on the way we live now. Mike Judge is a smart comedian who often make films that suggest society is empty or full of cultural waste. In this movie he is trying to show that the world is on the edge of a cliff and in the future will fall off of that cliff. But the whole time he makes us laugh. That makes the medicine go down much more easily. In the end, this movie does not really have a profound message. The idea that the world is going to be full of idiots five hundred years from now because of breeding practices is unlikely. There may be a lot of dumb people in the world today, but there are a lot of smart people. There will always be a place and a need for intelligence. Judge shows how intelligence is actually valued by the idiots. Perhaps intelligent people will be a smaller set of the population, but it is unlikely they will disappear entirely in the future. The movie is intended to be a comedy with an edge and that is what it is, nothing more.
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