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The Doctrine of the Church Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
The Doctrine of the Church - Research Paper Example For what reason would you say you are so discouraged, O my spirit? For what reason do...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Doctrine of the Church Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
The Doctrine of the Church - Research Paper Example For what reason would you say you are so discouraged, O my spirit? For what reason do you sign inside me? Expectation in God! For I will again be saying thanks to him, within the sight of my rescuer and my God.†(Psalm 41:5-6). Through these two scriptural sections, we can infer that God proposed for the individuals to save one day for His love, a day where there can be no different interruptions. God likewise urged the individuals to gather in a â€Å"procession to the place of God,†so as to offer gratitude and to lift the spirit - for trust in God, and thanksgiving within the sight of God, with others in a crowd, is the antitoxin to a sad soul. God unmistakably expected that the individuals not overlook Him, which is the reason He trained the individuals to put aside daily to recollect him every week, and the support to collect, both in the Hebrews section and the Psalm entry shows that gathering is the picked approach to recall Him. The Lord likewise implied for the gatherings to be a route for individuals to assemble to â€Å"arouse each other to noble cause and great works.†(Hebrews 10:24). This is the initial segment of the epistle wherein the Lord admonishes the individuals to not spurn collection. The Lord obviously needs us to be aware of noble cause and acts of kindness for other people, and He plainly expects that the array be a path for individuals to assemble to stimulate each other to play out these works. This is one of His aims for these congregations, alongside recollecting and loving Him and giving Him much appreciated. Jews 10:25 likewise contained the expression â€Å"and this even more as you see the Day moving near.†(Hebrews 10:25).â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
College Admissions Essay: The Turning Point -- College Admissions Essa
The Turning Point Presumably the most significant defining moment in my life occurred in 1992. At this time, I was eight years of age and living in Williamsport Pennsylvania. My father had a well-paying occupation at Anchor Darling Valve Company, I was going to a parochial school and I thought life was only great. At the time we lived in a huge four-story house with a different three-story carport and a section of land of woodland for a backyard. I had a ten-speed bike and I would frequently go bicycling with my companions at the close by cemetery. No-one at any point protested this, in actuality individuals would regularly have picnics at the highest point of this slope at the cemetery. I surmise the main things I griped about were the steady music exercises and practice meetings my folks exposed me to. Life was incredible until my father got back home one day with awful news. As it turned out, his well-paying organization was scaling down and they needed to let him go. Well, I didn't have a favorable opinion of it at the time. So he'd find another line of work, I thought. Well at any rate, he took out his resume and began mailing away. Oh well, life goes on. Well soon enough organizations started to look into him and he chose to join an organization called Cellular One (which would later be purchased by ATT and become ATT Wireless Services). So what was the catch? Well, Cellular One's workplaces are situated in Pittsburgh which isn't actually a simple drive from Williamsport. Carlos, we should move, yet it won't occur for a while. We'll ensure you finish the school year furthermore, I despite everything need to search for work in Pittsburgh as well, my mother told me. Somehow, in spi te of the fact that I realized my folks had numerous companions in Williamsport,... ...ttsburgh than I would have ever had the option to in Williamsport. I figured out how to ski and rock climb, things I turned out to be acceptable at and still do today. I likewise unexpectedly had a profound gratefulness for music. This was something I had never had, presently out of nowhere, I really rehearsed when I should (this most likely had something to do with the new music teachers). I additionally took up karate again and in the end earned my dark belt. I understood that Williamsport was really a dull spot to live in and the main things I truly missed were my companions and the house. Before I knew it, we had lived in Pittsburgh for a long time and despite the fact that it may not be the best spot to live in, it has opened up an entire universe of chances to me. That was something I may never have gotten on the off chance that I had remained in Williamsport or on the off chance that I had kept on moving around.
Friday, August 14, 2020
The Rudolph Family Weekend
The Rudolph Family Weekend One week ago, everyones parents were here on campus, and I mean everyones but mine. In mathspeak, for all MIT students not equal to Kate Rudolph, the set of parents of those students is a subset of the set of people who were on campus for Family Weekend last weekend. And not only that! Brothers, sisters, grandparents! Okay, I exaggerate. I wasnt the only one whose parents didnt come, but sometimes it felt that way, and I got really homesick. I realized sometime last weekend that Ive been here for what is now over nine weeks, the longest Ive ever been away from home. I know people who go home or see their parents nearly every weekend, but those people are from Connecticut or New York. The trip to Chicago just isnt worth it for a weekend. But my Family Weekend was not completely lonely. My Uncle Jim and Aunt Maura and cousins Luke, Ally, and Erin live in the suburbs of Boston, and they came into Cambridge last weekend to spend the afternoon with me. That is once they found me Aside: The Story of My Phone: At some point several weeks ago, the screen on my phone developed a giant, spider-web shaped crack. The entire screen went black, except for a little triangle at the bottom, through which I could just barely make out what was going on, and since I have the button-sequences of my phone mostly memorized I was able to continue sending (poorly edited) texts and making phone calls. An interesting side effect of this was that I couldnt tell time for about a week, because my phone usually acts as my watch. My parents back in Illinois heard about this, and came to the rescue. You see, this summer, my sister threw her phone off a roller coaster. (Where by she threw it off a roller coaster I mean it accidentally fell off the roller coaster, completely unintentionally but the first one is funner to say. (Funner. It is a word. (Also, nested parentheses!))) The amusement park found it and sent it back to our house, but not before Laura had bought a replacement phone on ebay. So the phone my parents sent to my rescue was the eBay-phone, And the eBay-phone has issues. For some reason it uses a different service than phones do now, so it is continually looking for service and runs out of charge in about 12 hours. And sometimes, even when its fully charged and says it has signal, it wont make or receive calls or texts. Which is exactly what was happening last Saturday afternoon when Aunt Maura was trying to call me! End of Aside Eventually, the Boston Rudolphs caught up with me, and I took them on a tour of my floor, Tetazoo, and then we went on a walk through the MIT campus. There were lots of Family Weekend events going on, housemaster brunches and department-sponsored events and whatnot. And what did my cousins and I end up doing? I mean, wouldn’t you rather play beach volleyball on the pedestals in Lobby 7 and teach your imaginary class arithmetic in 32-123? Thanks to Uncle Jim and Aunt Maura for the super-cute video.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Smith s Vision Division Of Labor - 1330 Words
Smith’s Vision: Division of Labor in the Workplace Versus Society In Wealth of Nations, Smith posits that that division of labor, both in society and the workplace, is the driving force behind increased production (Smith, 1), and that individual self-interest motivates people to specialize (15), both within a society and in the workplace. Through the examples of a hypothetical pre-modern arrow-maker (16) and pin-makers from his own time (7), Smith presents the ever-increasing specialization within the workforce as a natural progression of the early division of society by profession. However, in his explanation of the division of labor, Smith falls short in establishing the factor of self interest in the example of the pin-maker, thus somewhat undermining the consistency of his theories on the division of labor. In the very first sentence of Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith declares that division of labor is the source of improvement in production. In his iconic pin factory example, he demonstrates these benefits of division of laborâ€â€namely, the â€Å"increase of dexterity†(Smith 7) of a worker, the â€Å"saving of time†(7) from not having to alternate jobs, and the development of new, more efficient machines. By specializing in one component of the pin-making process, for example, straightening the metal, the worker can become an expert in that task, and will not have to waste time learning to do the other tasks and switching between them. Smith estimates that a single man workingShow MoreRelatedAdam Smith And His Influence On American Society Essay1348 Words  | 6 Pagesnone made so great an impact on American society as the Scottish contemporary philosopher and political economist, Adam Smithâ€â€who is most known for his influential work, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, By the early nineteenth century, other streams of economic theory emerged from various individuals who were also influenced by the ideas of Smith. Some of these individuals included David Ricardo, Karl Marx and later John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedmanâ€â€each of whomRead MoreSmith vs. Marx - a Comparison Essay1247 Words  | 5 PagesSmith versus Marx Ââ€" A Comparison S. Glen Balanoff July 04, 2004 Smith versus Marx Ââ€" A Comparison Modern economic society can be described as a combination of certain points from several theories combined into one. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Gas Market Reformation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2747 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Energy Industry Essay Type Research paper Tags: Energy Essay Did you like this example? ENERGY LAW-GAS MARKET REFORMATION Distribution Grid of Natural Gas It is the grid which is developed or is going to be developed in accordance with approved program of development Natural Gas Distribution Companies The companies which occupy with issues of natural gas distribution grid. Regulatory Authority of Energy (RAE) The Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) is an independent administrative authority, which enjoys, by the provisions of the law establishing it, financial and administrative independence. RAE was established on the basis of the provisions of L. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gas Market Reformation" essay for you Create order 2773/1999, which was issued within the framework of the harmonisation of the Hellenic Law to the provisions of Directive 96/92/EC for the liberalization of the electricity market. The financial independence of RAE, which is an essential condition in order to preserve the Authoritys independence, was effectively ensured by the provisions of L. 2837/2000, through which it is anticipated that the Authority possesses its own resources, i.e. revenue bonds from the regulated industry, participation to research projects etc. These resources are managed in accordance with the Presidential Decree 139/2001 Regulation for the Internal Operation and Administration of RAE, while financial management is subject to ex-post auditing by Independent Auditors and the Court of Auditors. New competences and duties were assigned to RAE with respect to electricity and natural gas sectors by the Electricity Law 3426/2005 and the Gas Law 3428/2005, in alignment with the relevant provisions of the EC Dire ctives 2003/54 and 2003/55, in particular with respect to access tariffs to electricity and gas networks, the terms and conditions for the provision of balancing services in natural gas, as well as on issues related to security of electricity and natural gas supply. Furthermore, on the basis of the modifications introduced with the abovementioned laws, RAE acts as a dispute settlement authority with respect to complaints against transmission or distribution system operator in both electricity and natural gas sectors. The main duties and responsibilities assigned to RAE relate to the following subjects: Monitoring the operation of all sectors of the energy market (Electricity, Natural Gas, Oil Products, Renewable Energy Sources, Cogeneration of Electricity and Heat etc.). Collection and processing of information from companies in the energy sector while respecting the principles of confidentiality. Participation in the pre-parliamentary legislative process through recommendation to the Minister of Development of the appropriate measures related to compliance with competition rules and to the overall protection of the consumers in the energy market. RAE monitors in particular the management and allocation of interconnection capacity, the time taken by TSO and DSO for connections of users and repairs to the network, the publication of all appropriate information by the TSO and the DSO, the terms and tariffs for third party access, the unbundling of accounts, the level of transparency and competition in the energy market and the security of supply. RAE issues a report every two years on security of supply both for electricity and natural gas, which is published and submitted both to the Minister of Development and the Commission, pursuant to the provisions of laws 3426/2005 and 3428/2005. Advice under the form of a simple opinion, with respect to the enactment of the secondary legislation, with the exception of the Electricity Grid Operation Code, the Power Exchanges Code, the Distribution Network Operation Code, where RAE enjoys the right of a consenting opinion. Furthermore, with respect to natural gas, RAE gives a consenting opinion for the issue of the Operation Codes of the National Natural Gas System as well as of the Independent Natural Gas System, while it approves the appropriate methodologies and details for the implementation of both Operation Codes. Advice under the form of a simple opinion, with respect to the terms and conditions for access to the transmission and distribution networks. Approval of the methodologies for the access tariffs to electricity transmission and distribution networks. The tariffs for third party access to electricity networks are approved by the Minister of Development following a consenting opinion of RAE, whilst RAE gives a simple opinion with respect to tariffs for third party access to natural gas systems. Regarding natural gas, RAE drafts the tariffs Regulation which is subject to approval by the Minister of Development, and regulates the terms and conditions for the provision of balancing services. Participation, under the form of a simple opinion, in the process for the granting and revocation of licences for the discharge of electricity activities. Monitoring of the exercise of the activities undertaken by licensees and access to information. Advice, under the form of a simple opinion, in the procedure for the approval of electricity retail tariffs with the exception of access tariffs. Approval of the generation adequacy studies conducted by HTSO to establish whether HTSO should issue tenders for new generation capacity. Imposition of financial sanctions, particularly fines to the violators of the primary and secondary energy legislation. Arbitral resolution of disputes between parties on electricity and natural gas legislation. Dispute settlement authority with respect to complaints against electricity transmission or distribution system operators and the owner of the electricity network, as well as against Natural Gas System and Distribution Operators on infringements of primary and secondary electricity and natural gas legislation. Cooperation with Regulatory Authorities of other countries, international Organisations and the European Commission. Reporting on an annual basis to the Commission on market dominance, predatory and anticompetitive behaviour on the basis of the appropriate information submitted by the Competition Authority. Finally, under Law 3054/2002 specific responsibilities were assigned to RAE regarding with the organisation and operation of the oil products market. RAE is obliged to comply with the legality principle. The decisions of RAE that are not solely advisory are subject to judicial review by the Athens Administrative Court of Appeals. Finally RAE publishes and submits to the Parliament via the Minister of Development an annual report giving detailed information about its functioning and acts. Natural Gas Distribution License When a company has a natural gas distribution company has the ability to construct the distribution grid of natural gas. Natural Gas Operation License A company which has this license can operate and exploit the Distribution Network Opportunity of renting a Distribution License A company which acquires a Distribution License has the ability to rent an Operation License from ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s owner through a financial return. Limitations in Licensing If there are two or more companies which are interested in getting a License then a competition is organized after RAE opinion and decision of YPEKA. At the end after the competition RAE decides which company is going to take the license. If there is an Operation License for an area then there are little opportunities a second license to be published. A company, which acquires Distribution and Operation License, can take part in a vertically integrated natural gas company if is independent from other sectors of the company Obligations of Natural Gas System Operator The reliability and the security of the System Technically and Financially feasible System Compliance of technical specifications Access for customers and suppliers Connection of the applicants to the System The procurement, installation, maintenance and proper functioning of measuring devices , which are installed in the Distribution System To provide to the Users of the Grid and to the Administrators of the Interconnected Systems and Distribution System of Natural Gas the necessary information for an effective Grid access. To avoid the discrimination between the Users of the System and especially in favor the companies that are connected with it. The cooperation with the Operators of the Interconnected and Distribution Natural Gas Systems for applying cooperation and communication protocols in order to secure the proper and the unencumbered function of the Distribution Systems , the fulfillment of their responsibilities, the function of the market and the cooperation with the operators of the organized markets The designation , the scheduling and the implementation of the development of the System taking into consideration the possibility of taking energy efficiency measures. Operation Code of Distribution System By decision of the RAE, upon recommendation of the Distribution Network Operator, is established an Operation Code of Distribution System , whereby is carried out of ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s management, maintenance and development. The Code is published in the Government Gazette and may be amended either at the initiative RAE or at the request of the Administrator. Through the Operation Code can be adjusted the following: Specifications and requirements of designation, operation and maintenance of the System and targets for the efficiency of the Distribution activity. Terms and conditions through which the DSO is obliged to offer access to the System and simultaneously to secure the access of the customers to the System with financially efficient, direct and clear way. Terms and conditions for the connection of the customer to the Distributed System in accordance with techno-economic basis and the process of the temporary denial to the connection to the System, which must be sufficiently justified. The deadline till which the DSO must reasonably decide for the connection applications and inform the applicants about the decision The quality standards and the conditions of the delivery conditions of Natural Gas which is distributed through the system The obligations of the DSO in the case of extreme conditions and especially the priority order of interruption of the connected customers. The schedule of maintenance and development of the distributed system and the procedures of informing the users of the system and the Operators of the Interconnected distribution systems. Information and data related to the Operation of the system, which are given to the users of the system The content of the standard connection and use agreement of the system The procedures for issuing invoices and abidance and clearance of accounts The implementing procedures of measures for the management of the capacity The obligations of the Distribution Network Operator for monitoring the evolution of demand and the content and the process for filing reports to RAE Changes in Natural Gas Market From May 30 2015 begins the separation of the gas distribution sector (distribution system) both DEPA and the EPA Attica, Thessaloniki and Thessaly, and from October 1, 2015 accounting unbundled should be completed. Until January 1, 2017 the legal and functional unbundling of distribution systems of Attica, Thessaloniki and Thessaly must have been completed and companies have to transport their distribution sector to the new CDG which is established. The EPA Thessaloniki and Thessaly can jointly transport their distribution sector to a common CDG in which they participate. The same applies to the distribution sector of DEPA for the rest of Greece. It is going to be established four natural gas distribution companies without being prohibited either the merger of the companies or the establishment of new companies. Distribution networks remain under the exclusive property of DEPA and their management is under CDG. The new projects and the extension of the DS which will constructed by CDG will remain under the property of CDG. There is a 20-year extension to the license of CDG with the option of being extended further for 20 years. There is tax exemption as regards the process of separation of distribution activities Eligible Clients Previous Law Situation The owners of a license of electric power production with the use of Natural Gas All the non-domestic customers who are outside of the EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries All the non-domestic customers and the big customers who are in areas with à ₠¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ  Î µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ Æ’ÃŽÂ · All the domestic customers who are are outside of the EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries The customers of the EPA when the license of the EPA is expired The customers of an area with à ₠¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ  Î µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ Æ’ÃŽÂ · when à ₠¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ  Î µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ Æ’ÃŽÂ · is expired The EPAs that are established after this law New Proposal All the customers that are outside of the three EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries. All the customers that are into the three EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries and use the natural gas as a fuel to the engines of means of transportation All the customers that are into the three EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries and use the natural gas as a fuel to the engines of means of transportation All customers that are into the three EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries and purchase natural gas for industrial use, who had actually consumed more of 2,2 GWh per consumption site within the period preceding twelve consecutive months of that date. From 1/1/2016 all the non-domestic customers with consumption greater than 2,2 GWh From 1/1/2017 all the non-domestic customers without taking into account the consumption From 1/1/2018 all the domestic customers Consequences because of the changes in Natural Gas Market According to the bill four Distribution Companies (ECN) are established in Attica, Thessaloniki, Thessaly, and the fourth in the rest of Greece, to which is granted the exploitation of the distribution systems of the three EPA but DEPA remains solely the owner of those systems. The EPA will remain only as commercial companies that will supply natural gas to retail and the consumers will pay in them their bills. As a result it is gradually achieved the whole separation of the commercial activities from those which are associated with the construction and the management of the system both for DEPA and three EPAs. The separation of the systems starts from 30/5/2015 , while in 1/10/2015 the accounting unbundling of the distribution system activities should be completed. Until 1/1/2017 must have been completed both the legal and functional unbundling of the systems in Attica, Thessaloniki and Thessaly. The EPA Atti ca,Thessaloniki and Thessaly can jointly transport their distribution sector to a common CDG in which they participate. The same applies to the distribution sector of DEPA for the rest of Greece. The EPA and Distribution Companies have the ability through the bill to be merged. In the future it is not prohibited for the distribution system of the Greece to be bounded under one company operator, so as the cost to be decreased. Simultaneously, the monopoly of DEPA and EPA to source and sell natural gas to the customers is gradually finished. The following customers will be able to choose their supplier: All the customers that are outside of the three EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries. All the customers that are into the three EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries and use the natural gas as a fuel to the engines of means of transportation All the customers that are into the three EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries and use the natural gas as a fuel to the engines of means of transportation All customers that are into the three EPAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility boundaries and purchase natural gas for industrial use, who had actually consumed more of 2,2 GWh per consumption site within the period preceding twelve consecutive months of that date. From 1/1/2016 all the non-domestic customers with consumption greater than 2,2 GWh From 1/1/2017 all the non-domestic customers without taking into account the consumption From 1/1/2018 all the domestic customers The fact that three EPA lose their monopoly in distribution system and in supplying their clients is in contrast with the exclusivity of 30 years contract that they signed in 2000. As a result it is offered to EPA 20-years extension in the activity of the system with an option of further 20 years. This is happening in order not to arise ligitation problems and the shareholders not to seek for damages. In essence, this means that the licenses of EPA which expire in 2030 are extended until at least 2050. DEPA remain the exclusive owner of the systems but it can not have a financial return from the provision of the management and exploitation of the DS in Attica, Thessaloniki and Thessaly until the redemption of the right to use them. For a period of three years from the launch of the EDA and to facilitate the full development of its own services, the transferring company, whether DEPA either the EPA can support the function of providing the services, for a reasonable conside ration will cover the cost of providing and approved by RAE. Within three months from the enactment of the Law, DEPA as a manager of the distribution system of the rest of Greece, and EPA Attica, Thessaloniki and Thessaly as managers of the systems of the respective geographical areas, recommend to the RAE, which must issue a series of additional provisions within three months from the time of submission. Such devices are the Pricing Rules of these systems, and the Code Management Distribution System. Also, within one month from the entry into force of the Regulation Invoice, DEPA and EPA Attica, Thessaloniki and Thessaly, submit for approval by RAE scales on which they receive in exchange for each key activity provide to their customers. Pending the entry into force of the new tariffs, the price for basic activities for users is 4 euros per MWh
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ibsen’s Nora A Character Analysis Free Essays
Nora in  A Doll’s House (1888) represents the oppressed woman of all ages. She begins as a conventional housewife dominated by her husband Torvald Helmer. From the role of a docile housewife she gradually emerges as a rebel with a cause. We will write a custom essay sample on Ibsen’s Nora: A Character Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the last decade of nineteenth century she got worldwide  attention as a  rebellious protagonist who fought against patriarchy. However, she begins as a conventional housewife of nineteenth century and it is the force of circumstances that brings about a sudden awakening in her. She stormed the complacent society, and the play became the subject of debates and discussions. She challenges the male domination by slamming the door on her puritan husband and leaving his three small children. She refuses to live with a â€Å"stranger†who treats her as a doll wife, imposes all his restrictions on her, but does not support her at the greatest crisis of her life. In Pillars of Society Ibsen also created a liberated woman named Lona Hessel, the protagonist who surpassed the male characters and thereby introduced a new dimension to drama. The most striking thing about Nora’s character is her mental growth. In the first and second Acts Nora dutifully plays the roles of a devoted mother preparing for Christmas and a wife who dares to forge her father’s signature to defray the expenses of a trip to Italy for the restoration of her husband’s health. As a member of patriarchal society she accepts the affectionate pet names given by her condescending husband such as  â€Å"little squirrel†, â€Å"little skylark†â€Å"little featherbrain†and â€Å"little â€Å"scatterbrain†.(Ibsen.148). Her delight at her husband’s promotion as bank manager with promise of  â€Å"heaps and heaps of money†(p.155) is eclipsed by the emergence of a Machiavellian blackmailer named Krogstad. Nora makes a desperate attempt to live happily and peacefully by reinstating Krogstad, who is also implicated in forgery, but gets involved in more lying. But Helmer refuses to be seen influenced by his  wife. Helmer’s vanity is hurt by Christian name calling by his classmate which Nora thinks as petty. Throughout the play her innocence is interpreted by Helmer and Mrs.Linde as immaturity. She tells  Nora : â€Å"You are only baby, Nora†(p.158) To  Helmer she at times appears to be  â€Å"extremely obstinate†and â€Å"irresponsible†(p.187).Without this trait, her desertion of her husband and children for going on a solo journey of self-education and self-discovery would not be dramatically convincing. At the climax she waits for the miracle to save her from the blackmailer; but it never   happens. A letter from Krogstad shatters their eight-year-old conjugal life. She charges her husband: â€Å"You and Papa have committed a grievous sin against me: It’s your fault that I’ve made nothing of my life.(p.226) But Helmer was too much of a prig to regard her anything more than a spendthrift wife. Her responsible act of borrowing money on her own is so much frowned upon by him that he calls her â€Å"a liar, a hypocrite – even worse a criminal!†(p.221) He considers her unfit to bring up the children, and later laments that he is â€Å"brought so pitifully low all because of a shiftless woman.†(p.221) Yet after the critical situation is saved by Mrs.Linde, Nora emphatically rejects the proposal of perpetuating the faà §ade of marital life â€Å"only in the eyes of the world of course.†(p.221) Nora is not simply the protagonist of A Doll’s House, she has become the symbol of women’s protest against the dead laws, conventions and the religions of all society. Her awakening is every woman’s awakening. Her assertion for individual freedom has a universal appeal: â€Å"I must stand on my own feet if I’m to get to know myself and the world outside.†(p.227) Work Cited: Watts, Peter (Trnsl.). Ibsen: Plays. Harmondsworth. Penguin. 1965 All quotations are from this edition. November 19, 2007 â€Å"You’ll see I’m man enough to take it all on myself.†p.190 Nora is affected vy Helmer’s belief that an atmosphere of lie and hypocrisy of a mother vitiates the atmosphere of a home Nora is pale with fear and says in distress: â€Å"Corrupt my little children – poison my home? That’s not true! It could never, never be true.†P.181 ..Nora is awefully fightened to hide the truth  How to cite Ibsen’s Nora: A Character Analysis, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Revenue Recognition Rules and Scenarios
Question: Discuss about the Revenue Recognition for Rules and Scenarios. Answer: Introduction: In the context of business, stakeholder means a person who possesses some sort of interest in the business of a firm. The interest of the stakeholder could be financial or non-financial. In the current case of Big Business Tobacco (BBT) which is a company engaged in the manufacturing and selling the tobacco products, the major stakeholders could be shareholders, management, customers, government, lenders, and the society (Carroll, Brown, and Buchholtz, 2017). The shareholders are directly interested in the success and failure of the company while the government is indirectly interested. The government levies taxes on the income earned by the business, therefore, through indirect, but the interest of government lies. Further, the customers and lenders are also financial interested in the business of the company. However, the society which consumes the products manufactured by the company is indirectly interested in the business of the company. In the current case of BBT, the managemen t of the company is considering the issue of inclusion of health warning on the packet of cigarette. The major stakeholders which are getting affected by this issue could be identified as management, shareholders, and the consumers. Identification of the Ethical Issues The debate in the current case is on the issue of inclusion of health warning on the cigarette packs. The marketing manager contends that inclusion of such a warning would result in a loss of considerable market share which will ultimately affect the bottom line of the company adversely (CTI, 2016). On the other hand, the public relationship manager considers that not putting the health hazard warning on the cigarette pack would be unethical and detrimental to the consumers interest. The cigarette is considered to be one of the most hazardous tobacco products to the human health. Thus, public relationship manager considers that disclosure of warning on the pack is necessary to make the consumers aware of the adverse impact of cigarette consumption on the health (Gore, 2015). The management is in dilemma as to whether the health warning should be included on the cigarette pack or not. The inclusion of health warning potentially affects the profits adversely but at the same time it also safeguards the public interest and meets the corporate social responsibility requirements. On other hand, if the warning is not included, the profits will get boost up, but at the same time it will breach the corporate social responsibility requirements and affect the public interest prejudicially. Thus, the main issue before the management is to find out a way so that proper balance could be struck out between the interest of shareholders and the consumers (Gore, 2015). Randall Hedges is the public relationship manager in BBT. Being a public relationship manager, he talks in the favor of the public interest or the consumers welfare. However, the views of Randall Hedges appear to be meticulous and ethical. In his views, the company would be benefited in the long term if it complies with the corporate social responsibility requirements by conducting its business in public interest. Therefore, if the company gives health warning on the cigarette pack, it would be advantageous for it in the long term. Further, he argues that the demand of the companys products in Australia is unaffected by that disclosure of health warning. This suggests that disclosure of such a warning will not affect revenues of the company adversely by a big margin (Carroll, Brown, and Buchholtz, 2017). The suggestions given by Randall seems to be appropriate and ethical, thus, if I was in the position of Randall, I would have given the same suggestions to the company. Further, it could be noted that though it is not obligatory for the company to make warning disclosure on the cigarette packs in some of the Asian Markets as of now, but it would be made some day. Considering the public interest and consumer awareness concerns, the government in the Asian countries may take steps to make it compulsory to disclose warning in the packs. Thus, the company would have to comply with it not now but at some later point of time. However, if it complies with this now, it could help the company build good perception of the consumers, which will positively affect the demand in long term (Carroll, Brown, and Buchholtz, 2017). The primary issue in regard to recognition of revenues relates to timing of recognition. The timing of recognition implies the identification of the point in time when the revenues from the sale of goods or rendition of services can be said to be recognizable in the books of accounts of the entity (Bragg, 2010). There is international accounting standard (IAS) 18 which prescribes the whole procedure in regard to recognition of revenues (IAS 18, 2012). The standard divides revenues into three major categories such as sale of goods, rendition of services, and others. The revenues in the form of interest, royalties, and dividends fall under the other category. Commonly, for all the categories of revenues, the standard lays down that for recognition of revenue two conditions must always exist. The first is flow of future economic benefits and the second is reliable measurement of the amount (IAS 18, 2012). The above two conditions are very basic and requires to be complied with in each and every case, whether the revenues arise from the sale of goods or rendition of services, or from interest, dividend, and royalty. Further, there are certain specific conditions that are to be complied in regard to specific category of revenues. For instance, the IAS 18 prescribes that revenues from the sale of goods should to be recognized when five crucial conditions are satisfied. The first crucial condition requires transfer of all the risks and rewards by the seller to the buyer in relation to the goods subjected to the transaction (IAS 18, 2012). The second condition is that the seller should no longer be holding control of the goods being sold. The third condition stipulates that the amount of the sales consideration of the goods being sold should be measured reliably (IAS 18, 2012). The fourth condition relates to estimation of uncertainty in regard to receipt of the economic benefits by the sale of goods. The last and the fifth condition relates to reliable measurement of the cost incurred in manufacturing and making the goods ready for sale. Thus, when these five conditions are satisfied beyond all doubts, the revenues from sale of goods can be recognized in the books of the entity (IAS 18, 2012). In the current case, Brian Kelly who is engaged in exploration and extraction of minerals (gold) finds out a piece of rock. He gets that piece of rock valued by an expert at an amount of $60,000. However, the revenue does not arise at this stage because Brian Kelly still possesses that piece of rock and assumes all the risks and rewards in this respect. However, two weeks later, Brian Kelly sells that piece of rock a jeweler for an amount of $75,000. This is the point in time when the revenues get accrued for recognition in the books of Brian Kelly. The movement Brain Kelly transfers the rights and obligation in respect of piece of rock and gives possession to the jeweler, the conditions in regard to recognition of revenue gets satisfied. Therefore, Brian Kelly should recognize revenues from sale of piece of rock at $75,000 on the date when the piece of rock is handed over to the jeweler (Bragg, 2010). A plant manager is responsible to administer and supervise the plant operations in an effective and efficient manner. The plant manager is responsible to ensure that the resources such as employees, plant and equipment are used optimally and smoothly. In this regard, the plant manager would be responsible to take decisions as regards deployment of the resources and plant maintenance scheduling etc (Heizer et al., 2009). In order to ma ke such decisions, the plant manager would information which will comprise a mix of non-financial as well as financial data. However, the non financial information which relates to quantitative data is more important for decision making in the areas of plant operations management, but it does not means that financial information is of no use (Crosson and Needles, 2010). The financial information also plays a crucial role in operations management. It could be worthwhile to emphasize here that all the crucial areas of a business such as production, marketing, accounting, and administration are interrelated to each other (Crosson and Needles, 2010). This implies that to make managerial decisions in one area would require information from all other areas. For example, if the plant manager is required to make out a decision regarding repair and maintenance of plant, he would need cost and benefits analysis in addition to the analysis of quantitative data. The cost and benefit analysis would require financial information. Thus, the use of financial information and the role of accounting could not be negated in the plant operation management (Crosson and Needles, 2010). In the current case, the plant manager contends that there is no need to maintain financial data to take day to day decisions pertaining to plant operations. This contention of the plant manager is not valid because the financial information plays a crucial role in every sphere of decision making whether it is related to plant operations or marketing. The information on cost, prices, and historical trend is generated by the accounting and finance department of the company (Grabski, Leech, and Sangster, 2009). In order to make decision making process less time consuming and effective it is of paramount importance to integrate different functions across the entity. This implies that there must be proper integration between accounting, finance, production, marketing, and administration functions of the company (Grabski, Leech, and Sangster, 2009). In order to achieve this integration among different functions of the company, it becomes essential to implement the enterprise resource planning system. The enterprise resource planning system integrates different functions of the company on a real time basis. The crucial information for decision making is shared among different function on a real time basis resulting in reduction in the time (Grabski, Leech, and Sangster, 2009). Therefore, overall it may be concluded that the accounting and finance function plays a critical role in all domains of decision making in an entity and hence the importance of maintaining daily records can not be undermined. Whether it is plant manager or marketing manager, everyone requires accounting information in their decision making process (Grabski, Leech, and Sangster, 2009). Management accounting refers to the process of analyzing the accounting and costing data to assist the top management in formulation of the plans and strategies. The scope of management accounting is very wide as it covers the knowledge of principles of accounting, finance, and costing (Chapman, Hopwood, and Shields, 2011). There are numerous handy tasks which a management accountant has to perform in an organization. For example, resource allocation, testing optimality, and conducting cost benefit analysis. Traditionally, these tasks were used to be performed by manual computations, but in the present scenario, the use of information technology has increased to a lot extent. Now, the computations for these tasks are performed using highly customized computer softwares (Chapman, Hopwood, and Shields, 2011). The unprecedented benefits of the use of information technology have made it compulsory for the firms to opt for automation of the entire process through the use of softwares and computer programs (Chapman, Hopwood, and Shields, 2011). Thus, since the process of managerial decision making have been automated, therefore, it is pertinent for the management accountant to be well versed with the knowledge of information technology. The management accountant should be acquainted with the knowledge on how to use the software to analyze the data and prepare reports. However, the in-depth knowledge to fix the technical issues in the computer technology is not crucial for the management accountant. It is essential that he has technical knowledge to use the IT resources in day to day functioning (Chapman, Hopwood, and Shields, 2011). Stratum Ltd Horizontal Analysis of Statement of Profit and Loss 2016 ($'000) 2017 ($'000) Variance ($'000) Variance (%) Revenues 13,750.00 16,000.00 2,250.00 16.36% Expense, excluding finance cost 11,965.00 13,705.00 1,740.00 14.54% Finance cost - - - 0.00% Profit before income tax 1,785.00 2,295.00 510.00 28.57% Income tax expense 535.00 878.00 343.00 64.11% Profit 1,250.00 1,417.00 167.00 13.36% Stratum Ltd Horizontal Analysis of Statement of Financial Position 2016 ($'000) 2017 ($'000) Variance ($'000) Variance (%) Current assets Cash and cash equivalent 100.00 80.00 (20.00) -20.00% Trade and other receivables 335.00 380.00 45.00 13.43% Inventories 720.00 770.00 50.00 6.94% Total Current assets 1,155.00 1,230.00 75.00 6.49% Non-Current assets Other financial assets 160.00 140.00 (20.00) -12.50% Property, plant, and equipment 2,785.00 3,400.00 615.00 22.08% Total Non-Current assets 2,945.00 3,540.00 595.00 20.20% Total assets 4,100.00 4,770.00 670.00 16.34% Current liabilities Trade and other payable 500.00 505.00 5.00 1.00% Total Current liabilities 500.00 505.00 5.00 1.00% Non-Current liabilities Long-term borrowings 1,750.00 1,750.00 - 0.00% Total Non-Current liabilities 1,750.00 1,750.00 - 0.00% Total liabilities 2,250.00 2,255.00 5.00 0.22% Net assets 1,850.00 2,515.00 665.00 35.95% Share capital 1,500.00 1,600.00 100.00 6.67% Retained earnings 350.00 915.00 565.00 161.43% Total equity 1,850.00 2,515.00 665.00 35.95% Stratum Ltd Horizontal Analysis of Statement of Changes in Equity 2016 ($'000) 2017 ($'000) Variance ($'000) Variance (%) Share capital Ordinary: Balance at the start of period 1,500.00 1,500.00 - 0.00% Issue of share capital - 100.00 100.00 0.00% Balance at the end of period 1,500.00 1,600.00 100.00 6.67% Retained earnings Balance at the start of period 200.00 350.00 150.00 75.00% Total recognized profit for the period 1,250.00 1,417.00 167.00 13.36% Dividend paid-Ordinary (1,100.00) (852.00) 248.00 -22.55% Balance at the end of period 350.00 915.00 565.00 161.43% Stratum Ltd Common Size Analysis of Statement of Profit and Loss 2016 ($'000) % to revenues 2017 ($'000) % to revenues Revenues 13,750.00 100.00% 16,000.00 100.00% Expense, excluding finance cost 11,965.00 87.02% 13,705.00 85.66% Finance cost - 0.00% - 0.00% Profit before income tax 1,785.00 12.98% 2,295.00 14.34% Income tax expense 535.00 3.89% 878.00 5.49% Profit 1,250.00 9.09% 1,417.00 8.86% Stratum Ltd Common Size Analysis of Statement of Financial Position 2016 ($'000) % to revenues 2017 ($'000) % to revenues Current assets Cash and cash equivalent 100.00 2.44% 80.00 1.68% Trade and other receivables 335.00 8.17% 380.00 7.97% Inventories 720.00 17.56% 770.00 16.14% Total Current assets 1,155.00 28.17% 1,230.00 25.79% Non-Current assets 0.00% 0.00% Other financial assets 160.00 3.90% 140.00 2.94% Property, plant, and equipment 2,785.00 67.93% 3,400.00 71.28% Total Non-Current assets 2,945.00 71.83% 3,540.00 74.21% Total assets 4,100.00 100.00% 4,770.00 100.00% Current liabilities Trade and other payable 500.00 27.03% 505.00 20.08% Total Current liabilities 500.00 27.03% 505.00 20.08% Non-Current liabilities 0.00% 0.00% Long-term borrowings 1,750.00 94.59% 1,750.00 69.58% Total Non-Current liabilities 1,750.00 94.59% 1,750.00 69.58% Total liabilities 2,250.00 121.62% 2,255.00 89.66% Net assets 1,850.00 100.00% 2,515.00 100.00% Share capital 1,500.00 81.08% 1,600.00 63.62% Retained earnings 350.00 18.92% 915.00 36.38% Total equity 1,850.00 100.00% 2,515.00 100.00% The results of the horizontal analysis conducted on the profit and loss statement show that the revenues increased by 16.36% in the year 2017 over the figure of 2016. Further, the expenses also increased by 14.54%. There was observed an overall increase of 13.36% in the net profit of the company in the current year as compared to the previous year. Further, the statement of financial position shows a reduction of 20% in the cash and cash equivalent while an increase by 13.43% and 6.94% in the trade receivables and the inventories. Overall current assets increased by 6.49% in the year 2017 as compared to 2016. The other financial assets have decreased by 12.50% while the plant and machinery went up by 22.08%. Overall, the total assets are up by 16.34% and the total liabilities are up by 0.22%. This shows that the company is performing well in the market. Further, the total equity is up by 35.95%. The primary reason for this increase in the total equity is sharp increase in retained earnings. The ending balance of the retained earnings was increased by 161.43% in 2017 as compared to 2016. The results of the vertical analysis show that the expenses were 87.02% of the revenues in the year 2016 which reduced to 85.66% in the year 2017. Due to the decrease in expenses, the profit before tax increased from 12.98% to 14.34%. However, there was observed a reduction in the net profit from 9.09% to 8.86% in the current year which seems mainly due to increase in income tax expense. As regard the statement of financial position, it was observed that total current assets reduced as a percentage to total assets in the year 2017 to 25.79% from 28.17%. However, there was a slight increase in the non-current assets from 71.83% to 74.21% in the year 2017. The total liabilities as a percent of total equity reduced significantly in the year 2017 to 89.66% from 121.62% in 2016. References Bragg, S.M. 2010. Wiley Revenue Recognition: Rules and Scenarios. John Wiley Sons. Carroll, A., Brown, J., and Buchholtz, A. 2017. Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability and Stakeholder Management. Cengage Learning. Chapman, S.C., Hopwood, A.G., Shields, M.D. 2011. Handbook of Management Accounting Research. Elsevier. Crosson, S.V. and Needles, B.E. 2010. Managerial Accounting. Cengage Learning. CTI. 2016. Business and Society, Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy: Business, Business. Cram101 Textbook Reviews. Gore, J. 2015. Ethical Issues. American Journal of Nursing,115(3), pp. 13-13. Grabski, S., Leech, S., and Sangster, A. 2009. Management Accounting in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Butterworth-Heinemann. Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry, and Rajashekhar. 2009. Operations Management. Pearson Education India. IAS 18. 2012. Revenue. [Online]. Available at: https://www.ifrs.org/Documents/IAS18.pdf [Accessed on: 27 January 2017].
Friday, March 27, 2020
A Beginners Guide to Statistics
A Beginners Guide to Statistics How many calories did each of us eat for breakfast? How far from home did everyone travel today? How big is the place that we call home? How many other people call it home? To make sense of all of this information, certain tools and ways of thinking are necessary. The mathematical science called statistics is what helps us to deal with this information overload. Statistics is the study of numerical information, called data. Statisticians acquire, organize, and analyze data. Each part of this process is also scrutinized. The techniques of statistics are applied to a multitude of other areas of knowledge. Below is an introduction to some of the main topics throughout statistics. Populations and Samples One of the recurring themes of statistics is that we are able to say something about a large group based on the study of a relatively small portion of that group. The group as a whole is known as the population. The portion of the group that we study is the sample. As an example of this, suppose we wanted to know the average height of people living in the United States. We could try to measure over 300 million people, but this would be infeasible. It would be a logistical nightmare conduct the measurements in such a way that no one was missed and no one was counted twice. Due to the impossible nature of measuring everyone in the United States, we could instead use statistics. Rather than finding the heights of everyone in the population, we take a statistical sample of a few thousand. If we have sampled the population correctly, then the average height of the sample will be very close to the average height of the population. Acquiring Data To draw good conclusions, we need good data to work with. The way that we sample a population to obtain this data should always be scrutinized. Which kind of sample we use depends on what question we’re asking about the population. The most commonly used samples are: Simple RandomStratifiedClustered It’s equally important to know how the measurement of the sample is conducted. To go back to the above example, how do we acquire the heights of those in our sample? Do we let people report their own height on a questionnaire?Do several researchers throughout the country measure different people and report their results?Does a single researcher measure everyone in the sample with the same tape measure? Each of these ways of obtaining the data has its advantages and drawbacks. Anyone using the data from this study would want to know how it was obtained. Organizing the Data Sometimes there is a multitude of data, and we can literally get lost in all of the details. It’s hard to see the forest for the trees. That’s why it’s important to keep our data well organized. Careful organization and graphical displays of the data help us to spot patterns and trends before we actually do any calculations. Since the way that we graphically present our data depends upon a variety of factors. Common graphs are: Pie charts or circle graphsBar or pareto graphsScatterplotsTime plotsStem and leaf plotsBox and whisker graphs In addition to these well-known graphs, there are others that are used in specialized situations. Descriptive Statistics One way to analyze data is called descriptive statistics. Here the goal is to calculate quantities that describe our data. Numbers called the mean, median and mode are all used to indicate the average or center of the data. The range and standard deviation are used to say how spread out the data is. More complicated techniques, such as correlation and regression describe data that is paired. Inferential Statistics When we begin with a sample and then try to infer something about the population, we are using inferential statistics. In working with this area of statistics, the topic of hypothesis testing arises. Here we see the scientific nature of the subject of statistics, as we state a hypothesis, then use statistical tools with our sample to determine the likelihood that we need to reject the hypothesis or not. This explanation is really just scratching the surface of this very useful part of statistics. Applications of Statistics It is no exaggeration to say that the tools of statistics are used by nearly every field of scientific research. Here are a few areas that rely heavily on statistics: PsychologyEconomicsMedicineAdvertisingDemography The Foundations of Statistics Although some think of statistics as a branch of mathematics, it is better to think of it as a discipline that is founded upon mathematics. Specifically, statistics is built up from the field of mathematics known as probability. Probability gives us a way to determine how likely an event is to occur. It also gives us a way to talk about randomness. This is key to statistics because the typical sample needs to be randomly selected from the population. Probability was first studied in the 1700s by mathematicians such as Pascal and Fermat. The 1700s also marked the beginning of statistics. Statistics continued to grow from its probability roots and really took off in the 1800s. Today, it’s theoretical scope continues to be enlarged in what is known as mathematical statistics.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Symbolism in the Dolls House Essays
Symbolism in the Dolls House Essays Symbolism in the Dolls House Paper Symbolism in the Dolls House Paper Essay Topic: A Dolls House Symbolism in The Doll’s House Katherine Mansfield’s The Doll’s House, clearly illustrates the symbolic journey of Kezia as she wanders in her childhood purity. The symbolic relationship that Kezia develops with the lamp in The Doll’s House, is critical to the development of the plot. In addition, the depiction of Kezia, provides a contrasting outlook on English hierarchy. To begin, the Burnell Children receive a doll’s house from Mrs. Hay. As the two eldest Burnell children take admiration to the red plush chairs and carpet, perfected indows, and golden pieces of the house, Kezia, the youngest, is mesmerized by the simplicity of the lamp. This is exemplified when Kezia thinks to herself, â€Å"But the lamp was perfect. It seemed to smile at Kezia, to say, â€Å"I live here†. The lamp was real†(Mansfield 119). Kezia’s enchantment of the lamp symbolizes her absence of adornment for materialistic items, opposed to her sisters. As the story progresses, Kezia continues to disapprove of the superficial parts of the doll’s house and cannot see why the others do not see the beauty of the lamp. This is clearly illustrated when Kezia ries out, â€Å"The lamps best of all†. She thought Isabel wasn’t making half enough of the little lamp. But nobody would pay attention†(Mansfield 121). Issues continue to occur with the others, due to Kezia’s indifferent ways. Once Kezia falls in love with the lamp, however, it is foreshadowing the events to come. Next, Kezia’s innocence leads her to make friends with the Kelvey’s, in whom from an economic standpoint, are ignored. Like the lamp, Kezia does not follow the normality of things around her in her English society. For instance, everywhere in town, They walked past the Kelvey’s with their heads in the air, and as they set the fashion in all matters of behaviour, the Kelvey’s were shunned by everybody†(Mansfield 120). Due to the class distinction of the Kelvey’s, Kezia is forbidden to speak to the Kelvey’s. However, Kezia does not follow the rest of her English society, and overlooks the appearance of the Kelvey’s and the rumors everyone says about them. It is evident that Kezia does not follow the others when she tells the Kelvey’s, â€Å"You can come and see our doll’s house if you want to†(Mansfield 122). By Kezia inviting the Kelvey girls to see he doll’s house, she visibly displays her kind-hearted simplistic character, that if she was to be an object, would be a simple lamp like the Kelvey’s. Therefore, despite everyone’s unjustified threats towards Kezia, she lets the simplicity of the lamp guide her to h ave a moral conscience in not excluding the Kelvey’s. Finally, the Kelvey’s are similar to Kezia, for they both notice the simplistic things in life and are not overly consumed by materialistic ones. Kezia senses the inner purity of the Kelvey’s and ultimately decides to invite them to see the doll’s house. Yet, hen the Kelvey’s have the chance to catch a mere glimpse of the doll’s house, they are quickly â€Å"shooed out as if they were chickens†(Mansfield 123) by Kezia’s Aunt Beryl. In spite of that, the Kelvey’s are still able to see the lamp, the most important object in the entire doll’s house. The Kelvey’s, like Kezia, see beauty in the most unembellished things in life. When Else, one of the Kelvey sister’s says, â€Å"I seen the little lamp†(Mansfield 123), the symbolism of the lamp is established. At this point, Mansfield successfully conveys the overall message of the hope against discrimination. Thus, this hope, symbolized through the lamp, is a connection that brings Kezia closer to the Kelvey’s, in realizing their similar views. In conclusion, the symbolism of the lamp, that stems from Kezia and leads to the Kelvey’s, distinctly shows the divide and constant battle between rich and poor. Materialism in our world also shows how perplex it is for many humans to surpass the ever-constant greed man has towards material items. Seeing past the obvious beauties in life is a complex obstacle to conquer in The Doll’s House, that only Kezia and the Kelvey’s are able to do. Both working together to fight this battle, therefore represent a lamp constantly searching for energy and hope to renew its light when it fades. In this case, the new light source was Kezia, who was seeking for an answer to help the Kelvey’s. Hence, the simplistic lamp represents the bonded connection that Kezia develops with the Kelvey’s, through the sightless faith of those around them, in the midst of their pure hearts. Mansfield, Katherine. The Broadview Anthology of Short Fiction: The Doll’s House. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2004. Print.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Critically evaluate Hegel's teleological account of history Essay
Critically evaluate Hegel's teleological account of history - Essay Example Engels criticized such formulation of the question. He was sure the highest generalizing idea, approached by the natural sciences of that period, was the idea of expediency of established order in nature, flat Wolf’s teleology, according to which, cats were created in order to devour the mice, mice – to be devoured by cats, and everything in nature was created to prove the wisdom of the Lord (Carlton, 1975). There is no argument that it was a great merit of that period philosophy, that despite the limitations of its current scientific knowledge, it was not thrown off, and it, starting with Spinoza and ending with the great French materialists, persistently tried to explain the world, providing a detailed justification of the science of the future. In the German classical philosophy, the problem of teleology, as well as a number of other important philosophical questions, was put in a new way, and there was some new movement of thought towards the dialectics on the relat ively high level. This movement goes back to Kant. He was the first who raised a new issue of teleology. However, these Kantian formulations of the question are not directly related to that turn, made by Hegel in the sphere of teleology (Bristow, 2007). Concrete analysis of the dialectics of human toil takes Hegel’s antinomian opposition between causality and teleology, showing what specific place is occupied by conscious human purposefulness in general causation, not destroying, and not stepping over it, without appealing to any transcendental principle, that was very typical for prior thinkers - without losing work-specific definitions of goal-setting. Hegelian discovery in teleology is quite simple: every working man instinctively knows that he, when having the means and the subject of labor, can not do anything that is beyond the objective laws of these subjects and their combinations, and that the process of labor, therefore, can never go beyond the causal relations of t hings. And every human discovery can nest in the disclosure of objective causal relations and in involving them into the workflow. And as it was rightly noted by Marx and Hegel, the specific nature of goal setting is in the notion of goal exists until the process of labor set in motion, and the process of labor exists to achieve this goal through increasingly deep causal links to objective reality (Frederick Beiser, 2007). The very fact that goal-setting itself is causal, this also drew so much attention of Spinoza, is correct and goes without saying, but , as Spinoza thought, it does not mean that the specific nature of the teleological connection is disregarded. On the contrary, this knowledge gives us the opportunity to reveal the dialectical unity of the principle of causality and goal of labor more clearly. And this knowledge was not lost on Hegel. In accordance with his philosophy, various needs of people were the engine of progress and, thus, an impetus for civilization devel opment in the course of history (Hegel: Lectures on the History of Philosophy, 1825). Hegel was the ideologue of a particular revolutionary period - the period of revolutionary constitution of a large modern nation. Hegel portrayed this process as progressive rightly. In the historical dialectic of this process, which repeatedly played out in the form of major wars, Hegel saw the state of nature, in which the spirit makes its way to the top stage
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Health Promotion and Evidence Based Practice Assignment
Health Promotion and Evidence Based Practice - Assignment Example Alcohol and drug abuse are among the foremost causes of disability and demise in North Carolina. Alcohol and substance abuse dependence are both problems in themselves and contributors to other health problems. For example, people under the influence of substance abuse are at a risk of premature deaths. Other health problems associated with substance abuse include depressions, mental health disorders, interpersonal relation, poor school or workplace functioning and low overall sense of wellbeing. However, these health hazards are preventable risk factors (Andrews & National Research Council, 1991). For the prevention of drug substance abuse and the improvement of mental health, there are evidenced priority recommendations. According to the North Carolina prevention plan, priority number one is the development and implementation of a comprehensive plan for substance abuse. To be included in the plan are recommendations to beer and wine taxation. With expensive beer and wine, it will n ot be easily affordable to the addicted individuals (Hastings et al, 2010). Together with increasing tax rates on beer and wines, substance abuse prevention also requires community outreach. Therefore, a comprehensive community based programs for prevention of substance use and abuse is a sizeable community outreach strategy. The implementation of this community based prevention plan should include a team that provides emotional care and nutritional health to the victims and subjects of the program (Hastings et al, 2010). The article â€Å"prevention issues brief final in 2010†clearly outlines the prevention strategies and its elements. The evidence based prevention strategies shows a degree of effectiveness in decreasing the rate of substance use and abuse. Nevertheless, they also have several positive impacts like self -identification, improved sense of self -wellbeing, reduced levels of depreciation and improved health conditions. For all the evidence based prevention str ategies on substance use and abuse, youths should be the main target since their developing brain is susceptible damage by alcohol and others substances (Hastings et al, 2010). The strategies or action steps that form the evidence-based prevention of substance use and abuse and for improvement of mental health include the following. The activity begins from the individuals. Guidance and counseling provision to individuals to be substance use abuse free and in case of any mental disorder seek professional help. Again, from the individuals, home prevention is a strong evidence strategy. Parents should take the initiative to talk to their children about substance abuse dangers. (Hastings et al, 2010). To the victims of substance abuse clinical preventive measures like screening, brief intervention and treatment in case of any health problem is fundamental. Keeping the public up-to-date on these evidence-based clinical preventive measures will ensure that people are aware of where to go to find help (North Carolina Institute of Medicine & North Carolina, 2009). In worksites and offices, wellness programs for substance abuse will keep these people informed. In addition to the other programs, offering insurance programs to the community on incidences of substance abu
Monday, January 27, 2020
Does Poverty Exist in the Uk?
Does Poverty Exist in the Uk? Does Poverty exist in contemporary Britain? The answer to this question depends to a large extent on how poverty is defined and measured. It is, like many sociological issues, an ‘essentially contested concept’ and as such, there has been much debate around what exactly constitutes poverty. However, even accepting that poverty itself denotes different things to different people, it can still be argued that poverty or indeed ‘poverties’ are a real problem in Britain today which need to be addressed by government and society in order to optimise equality in our society. How should we define poverty? It is useful firstly to refer to some widely used definitions. Charles Booth writing in 1889 was one of the first to explore the area of poverty when he published a work showing that one third of Londoners were living in dire poverty. By ‘poverty’ he was referring to a ‘lack of basic requirements to sustain a physically healthy existence [and] sufficient food and shelter to make possible the physically efficient functioning of the body’ (cited in Giddens, 2001, p236). This is referred to as subsistence poverty- literally not having the means to survive. Benjamin Rowntree referred to primary poverty and secondary poverty. By primary poverty he meant those who were unable to afford a basket of necessities for ‘merely physical efficiency’. Secondary poverty referred to those who had more income than those living in primary poverty but who still suffered poverty lifestyles. (cited Flaherty et al 2004, p16) Another widely quoted definition of poverty is Townsend’s. In 1979 he stated, ‘Individuals, families and groups in the population can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the types of diet, participate in the activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary, or are at least widely recognised or approved, societies to which they belong. Their resources are so seriously below those commanded by the average individual or family that they are in effect, excluded from ordinary living patterns, customs and activities’ (cited Flaherty et al, 2004, p17). Whilst the World Bank described poverty as ‘the inability to attain a minimal standard of living’, the UN defines poverty as follows: ‘Poverty has various manifestations including lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods; hunger and malnutrition; ill health; limited or lack of access to education and other basic services; increased morbidity and mortality from illness; homelessness and inadequate housing; unsafe environments and social discrimination and exclusion. It is also characterised by lack of participation in decision making and in civil, social and cultural life. It occurs in all countries: as mass poverty in many developing countries, pockets of poverty amidst wealth in developed countries, loss of livelihoods as a result of economic recession, sudden poverty as a result of disaster or conflict, the poverty y of low-wage workers, and the utter destitution of people who fall outside family support systems, institutions and safety nets’ (Flaherty et al 2004, p13). From this range of definitions can be seen the difference between absolute and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is based on the notion of subsistence which in itself is defined as the minimum amount needed to sustain life. As Alcock points out however, it is a contradiction to say someone is living below subsistence levels because, how can those without enough to live on, live? (1997, p68) The answer of course is that they do not- or at least not for very long. In contrast relative poverty is, in Alcock’s words, ‘a more subjective or social standard’ (1997, p69). This is the poverty which Townsend refers to where poverty and deprivation are judged in the context of the society in which an individual lives. Townsend also looked at poverty in terms of how it affected an individual’s ability to engage in social activities. From this the notion of social exclusion was developed and definitions of poverty broadened to include various types of deprivation. Townsend developed a deprivation index based on items which he saw as necessary to the whole of society and used these along with income levels to measure deprivation. However, there are some difficulties with this approach. For example as Baldock et al point out, where one of the deprivation indicators was not eating cooked meals, some people may prefer to eat salads and sandwiches from choice. (Baldock et al 2003, p119) Therefore it is difficult to differentiate where in some instances people may choose to be without what Townsend considered to be a necessity. Mack and Lansley further developed Townsend’s work by coming up with a ‘consensual approach top poverty.’ They asked respondents what they considered as necessities and from this feedback they measured poverty which they defined crucially as ‘an enforced lack of socially perceived necessities’ (cited in Baldock et al p119). By referring to ‘socially perceived necessities’ they avo ided having to make judgements on what constituted necessities. The difficulties with subsistence approaches to poverty is that it is inevitable that at some point an arbitrary decision will have to be made about what exactly is needed for subsistence. On the other hand, the problem with the relative measure of poverty is that where a society may have a small section of extremely wealthy people, the level of what is considered to be poverty relatively may be artificially high. For our purposes, it is easier to work with Sen’s assertion that ‘if there is starvation and hunger then, no matter what the relative picture looks like there clearly is poverty’ (cited Flaherty et al 2004, p17). However it is measured, it is clear that poverty exists and is even becoming a more acute problem in contemporary Britain. Flaherty et al cite statistics which reveal that between 1979 and 2001/2 the numbers of people living in households with below 60% of the median income after housing costs rose from 7.1 million to 12.5 million, that is, from 13% of the population to 22% of the population (2004, p31). Nearly a third of children in the UK live in poverty and this figure is even higher in Northern Ireland. In March 2003, 7.6 million British people were living on the safety net of benefits of income support or the jobseeker’s allowance. By the mid nineties, Britain’s child poverty rates were third only to the USA and Russia (2004, p69). The measure used to determine poverty by the British government is based on the Household Below Average Income Statistics. The HBAI looks at data along a number of income thresholds. The 60% of median income after housing costs, adjusted for family size, is a measurement tool used as a proxy for income poverty. As Flaherty et al state, ‘it is an explicitly ‘relative’ measure which looks at how people at the bottom of the income distribution have fared in relation to the median’ (2004, p31). As well as being used by the British government, it is also the headline indicator used by the European union to determine those who are at risk of poverty. Although the poverty we refer to here is largely to do with income and having the basic necessities in life- the term poverty is also used to describe people who are missing out on elements of social life which may be considered important by others. For example, cultural poverty or educational poverty. Whilst education is accepted as a basic human right, not having an education does not necessarily mean that a person cannot live a healthy and happy life, whereas not having food and warmth does. These poverties might be more aptly described in terms of social exclusion. Blakemore highlights the differences between social exclusion and poverty. Firstly, social exclusion focuses on relationships to society rather than material resources. Secondly social exclusion normally refers to exclusion from educational opportunities or from the labour market. Thirdly, remedies for social exclusion are different than those for poverty (2003, p85) What kind of people are at risk from poverty? Whilst it would seem natural to assume that unemployed people would be most at risk, this is not the case. Bilton et al (2002) outline which groups o people are more likely to suffer poverty and assert, ‘it is people in low-paid, insecure work who constitute the bulk of those below the income poverty line.’ The second largest group of people likely to suffer poverty are the elderly. ‘because life expectancy has increased, earlier retirement has become more common and state pensions have reduced in real terms, the elderly comprise an ever larger section of the poor. Unequal life chances continue through old age.’ Another group at risk are lone parent families and although less common, large families. In addition those who are sick or disabled are also more vulnerable to poverty(Bilton et al 2002, pp78-79). Millar argued in 1993 that three factors have contributed to the growth of poverty: a significant level of un employment; the increase in low-paid work; the growth of ‘precarious’ or ‘flexible’ employment (cited Bilton, 2002, p79). Such employment patterns tend to optimise profit and boost the economy but the downside is that vulnerable workers especially in unskilled occupations, are lacking in job security and all the benefits that brings. Another question which must be asked is whether it is possible to escape poverty. This depends on social mobility which Giddens defines as ‘the movements of individuals and groups between different socio-economic positions’ (2001, p229). The evidence seems to suggest that whilst those most at risk of poverty may be likely to always be vulnerable to extreme poverty, many people suffer regular periods of short-term poverty. As Jenkins et al state, ‘from a dynamic perspective, one may distinguish three groups: the persistently poor, the recurrently poor, and the temporarily poor’ (cited Flaherty et al 2004, p47) Jenkins et al’s studies over a number of years (1991-1999) found that a pattern emerged of ‘one of relatively short poverty spells for the majority, but relatively long spells for a significant minority.’ For many people life events can be the push factor in or out of poverty. For example exit from family poverty is most likely to co me through finding paid work whilst a change in household composition is more likely to assist a lone parents family’s exit from poverty. (Flaherty et al 2004, p48) In conclusion, the evidence is ample to show that poverty is a very real problem in Britain today whether it is measured in relative or absolute terms or whether it is conceptualised along lines of deprivation or exclusion. What is perhaps most worrying is that as a society, Britain is becoming more unequal than ever before. For example between 1979 and 1995, whilst the incomes of the richest tenth of the population rose by 60%, the incomes of the poorest tenth fell by 8% (Hills 1995, cited Baldock et al 2003, p121). This was still the case in the late 1990s when, according to Gordon et al, ‘the disposable incomes of the poorest and richest groups were still edging apart’ (cited Blakemore, 2003, p78). Those who are most likely to experience a reduction in income levels include ethnic minorities and women. Children are also more likely to suffer the worst effects of poverty. In 1999, Blair promised to end child poverty in a generation. It remains to be seen whether this w ill be achieved although with a mandate for a third term, it can only be hoped that important work already carried out to tackle child poverty will be consolidated. Some policy changes have already begun to make a difference in child poverty but poverty as a whole is still an issue which needs more time and resources devoted to it if poverty is to be eradicated. References Alcock P, (1997) Understanding Poverty 2nd Edition Basingstoke: Palgrave Baldock J, Manning N, Vickerstaff S (2003) Social Policy London: Oxford University Press Bilton T, Bonnett K, Jones P, Lawson T, Skinner D, Stanworth M, Webster A, (2002) Introductory Sociology 4th Ed Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Blakemore K, (2003) Social Policy an introduction Buckinghamshire: Oxford University Press Flaherty J, Veit-Wilson J, Dornan P (2004) Poverty: the facts 5th Edition London: Child Poverty Action Group Giddens A, (2001) Sociology Cambridge: Polity Press
Sunday, January 19, 2020
English Phrasal Verbs Translation Into Russian and Finnish
| Article Summary| AEPS Reading, Writing & Spoken Communication – Language Centre – University of Helsinki| | | 20. 03. 2013| | The article represents a part of a research about English multi-word expressions and their translation equivalents in other languages. The research was important for different tasks such as language learning, translation, automatic multilingual lexicon etc. The article is a short review of English phrasal verbs and their translations to Russian and Finnish. English phrasal verbs are multi-word expressions consisting of a verb and an adverbial particle with a spatial or locative meaning.The meaning of this combination doesn’t depend on the individual meanings of its parts. The most frequent phrasal verb pattern is any form of lexical verb plus prepositional adverb/particle, and usually there can be a noun phrase, any pronoun or any adverb embedded between the verb and the adverb/particle. Neither Russian nor Finnish has phrasal verbs. Eng lish-Russian If there is an English phrasal verb with an adverb or particle, which on its own is a function word like in, on, up etc. , it is usually translated into Russian as verb with prefix, e. g. die down – , find out – .If a part of an English phrasal verb may act as a content word such as forward, behind, apart, together etc. , the Russian translation is often a verb + adverb combination, e. g. bring together – , leave behind – . However, some verbs of this group can be also expressed in Russian by prefixation, e. g. take apart – . In addition, if an English phrasal verb is highly idiomatic, the Russian translation will be either idiomatic expression or a lengthy explanation. English-Finnish Many English phrasal verbs can be translated as single Finnish verbs, e. g. ake up – herata, herattaa; move ahead – edeta. There are also phrases and idiomatic combinations in Finnish, which can be used as translations of English phrasal verbs, e. g. find out – saada selville, switch off – kytkea pois paalta. Sometimes we can use both techniques: hide away – piilottaa, panna piiloon, often the single-word expression is more formal. Often Finnish equivalent expressions and English phrasal verbs are morpho-syntactically close to each other, it is a result of influence from Swedish or other languages, e. g. : write down – kirjoittaa ylos. There can be also more native Finnish expression like kirjoittaa muistiin.There are also fixed combinations with object in Finnish to express English phrasal verbs, e. g. : tie up – sitoa kengannauhat. Conclusion English phrasal verbs usually have a single-word translation equivalents in Russian and Finnish. The balance between single-word and multi-word expressions changes across languages. Reference: Mudraya, O. and Piao, S. and Lofberg, L. and Rayson, P. and Archer, D. (2005) English-Russian-Finnish cross-language comparison of phrasal verb translation equivalents. In: Phraseology 2005, 2005-10-132005-10-15, Lovain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Coffee Shop Essay
I. Introduction The proposed study revolves around the creation of The Coffee House, a proposed small scale business that will be situated in the fast changing environment which is constantly changing due to constructions of buildings and other facilities in the Global City in Taguig City. The study will tackle from the history of the business up to the technical and financial aspects of the study, the said study will also develop the keen observation skills of the students in terms of the marketable value of a specific brand of their liking and will also hone their analysis skills in the business side of the proposed study whether technical or financial. II. Business History The Coffee House is a new small scale business that targets the coffee industry with an expected opening date of July of 2011 in 38th Dr. N. University Parkway, Bonifacio North Triangle, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. The business is a coffee shop, located near prestigious schools and business districts in the area. The business specializes in coffee, tea, and homemade pastries. There are other shops that only serve coffee in the vicinity, the nearest being over one kilometer away which is stationed at Market Market Mall in the vicinity. The target audience of the business is individuals which are both in the workforce and in the academe, students and professionals alike. Currently, there are no places in the surrounding area that cater to the said target audience. III. Vision and Mission Statement The vision of â€Å"The Coffee House†is to become the leading coffee shop in the area of Bonifacio Global City that is under the governance of Taguig city that also practices the â€Å"green†operation of its store and eventually provides a common area for business meetings, hang-out with friends and even a place for studying while enjoying the products of the business. The mission of â€Å"The Coffee House†is to bring back the appreciation of the masses to the local coffee, to break social norms through the business, to create an environment that can cater to different types of people all in the same time, to contribute to the development of one’s self being, to take part in the solution of environmental problems and to be able to encourage others in doing the same thing and lastly to help deflate the rise of unemployment in the country. Objectives The proposed studies primary goals over the next year are as follows: 1. Secure financing for start-up of at least P1, 380,000 for space and equipment. 2. Renovate our space in Global City. 3. Acquire equipment necessary for business, i. e. coffee pots, cappuccino machines, blenders, etc. 4. Make agreement with coffee distributors, and bakery vendors. 5. Create a cozy, clean environment (i. e. choice of colors, choice of music, decor) 6. Open for another branches and become the foremost coffeehouse in the area. Ownership The Coffee House is a corporation that was formed in the early stages of the study. Each individual are equally involved in the operation and management of the said proposed business. Since the ownership type of the business is a corporation type, in terms of profit, responsibility and liability each individual has equal share, therefore each decision that the business will take before it will be implemented into the business the owners will first assess the proposed implementation before implementing it on a first hand basis and if the decision fails, each one of them will also share the consequences of it. Location and Facilities The Coffee House is located at the 38th Dr. N. University Parkway, Bonifacio North Triangle, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. The proponents currently own the building that the proposed business will occupy. Thus, expenses for the renovation of the area will be taken from the funds of the business. Since building a business from the ground up, the proponents took a risk in renovating the proposed location to save the business for monthly increase in cost if the business will rent a commercial location. In terms of facilities, the proponents will avail the basic facilities to jump start the business and will acquire more equipment when the business has received its return of investment, which in the estimation of the proponents would be on the succeeding months from its launch date. Products and Services Description of Products and Services The Coffee House will offer high quality coffee our primary product at a very reasonable price. We will also sell homemade cookies, brownies, and doughnuts, also reasonably priced. Key Features of the Products and Services All drinks will be made with filtered water and the highest quality ingredients we can get. Frozen drinks will have caramel or chocolate syrup drizzled in the glass and over the drink. Cappuccino and hot coca will have whipped cream toppings as well as the option for candy sprinkles. Cookies will have the option of a chocolate or caramel dip and sprinkles. We will offer designer flavored cream and five kinds of sweetener, i. e. sugar, honey, Equal, and Sweet-n-Low. Cream and sweetener is at no extra charge. Production of Products and Services We will use only filtered water and will brew our coffee in commercial coffeepots that will be thoroughly cleaned between uses. We will bake cookies, brownies and pizza pandesal in our own on-site oven from proven recipes, daily. Future Products and Services Within the next three to five years we expect to branch out into catering and offer homemade pies, whole or by the slice. Comparative Advantages in Production Our low overhead and cheaper pricing will be the key to our success. Industry Overview Market Research There are other businesses that serve only coffee in the area. Size of the Industry Nationally, the coffee shop industry is quite large, but in Global City, there are only three. The nearest one is in Market Market which is less than one (1) kilometer away. Industry Outlook The coffee business does not show signs of slowing down. With new innovations such as flavorings and additives, it should continue for some time. Marketing Strategy. Target Markets – Our target market is artists and writers who need a nice quite cozy place to think and do their work. Description of Key Competitors Of the three coffee shops in the area, one is a large chain with a very expensive product, one is really a home style restaurant, the last one, and our biggest is a Famous Coffee Shop with an â€Å"Elegant Style Setting†. Analysis of Competitive Position Our pricing strategy, comfortable atmosphere and offering free wifi access will be the key to our success. None of the other shops in the area can offer this. Pricing Strategy The business will offer three sizes of drinks, small, medium and large. Which ranges from 50 pesos to 100 pesos, our cookies and brownies will sell for P50. 00 each/Pizza Pandesal P46 each Promotion Strategy We intend to advertise in the local newspapers and offer a â€Å"frequent drinkers club†discount to our best customers. We will also send out ads via direct mail, which will include cents off coupons. Management and Staffing Organizational Structure – Our organizational structure will be a simple pyramid style with the owners putting in as much work as the employees. Management Team Rachelle Ann Heyres and Marilou Deondo will share management and supervisory responsibilities equally. Rachelle for the morning shift. Marilou for the afternoon shift. Staffing We will hire two busboys, two waitresses, cooks, cashier, janitors, and also security guard these will be recruited from the STI. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Busboys- Security guard- A security guards duty is to perform the duties allotted to him either to secure a place from external infiltration of people or danger that may disrupt the functioning & assets of the organization. His responsibilities include performance of the duty allotted to him, to report to his superiors and be accountable for any lapse of duty. Janitors or cleaners- Labor Market Issues In this area there are College students looking for work, part time or full time, we want to fill that need. Regulatory Issues Global City and the state of Taguig City both have regulations regarding food service establishments. We have already obtained the appropriate business permits. Risks Market Risks – The main risk is monetary. The area may not be ready for a place like ours and we may not do a great business but it can be prevented we will offer( free wi-fi )access to all customers as long as they want as long as they are drinking our coffee. Implementation Plan Implementation Activities and Dates 1. Begin building renovation 7/11 2. Complete renovation 7/5/11 3. Begin preliminary advertising 7/6/11 4. Purchase and setup equipment 7/10/11 5. Open for business 7/15/11 Financial Plan Beginning Balance Sheet – This will be a listing of all of your assets and liabilities, before you open for business. You may want to use a spreadsheet program to make this go easier. Balance Sheet Current Assets: Building P6, 900,000 Computer P69, 000 Sound System P92, 000 Furnishings P200, 000 Equipment P138, 000 Cash Rachelle P230, 000 Marilou P207, 000 Accounts Receivable None Inventory Coffee P46, 000 Tea P23, 000 Other Assets Cups P138, 000 Total Current Assets P8, 043,000 Liabilities: Accounts Payable (monthly) Water P9, 200 Phone P6, 900 Electric P23, 000 Donut Vendor P46, 000 Warehouse Club P46, 000 Coffee Distributor P46, 000 Wages P230, 000 Advertising P46, 000 Taxes Payable Property Taxes P23, 000 Employee Taxes P92, 000 Operating Loans Payable Startup Loan P23, 000 Total Liabilities P545100 ongoing per month Projected Income This will be a listing by month of your projected income. List the projected income each month for each product, this way you can compare actual sales to projected sales at the end of the year to determine what products to concentrate on. (Below is a sample month) July 05 Coffee P276, 000 Tea P92, 000 Cookies P69, 000 Donuts P115, 000 Misc. P184, 000 Total Income for March P736, 000 Total Projected Net Profit (Cost/Benefit) P144, 900 for July This would assume 20 pots of coffee sold a day, plus an assortment of other items. This also assumes the market will not increase or decrease due to weather or economics. This would be an average month. This of course would be adjusted monthly once you start business. Then based on the adjustments and actual sales, you can build a new balance sheet at the beginning of next year. Conclusions After you have created the business plan and examined the cash flow estimation you may find that your net profits are not what you would like them to be. In this case you may have to revise your pricing strategy to fit with your expectations or change your expectations. A coffee shop is not a get rich quick idea; it takes lots of hard work and long hours to realize your dream. But, in the long run, careful planning will make it all worth it. S. W. O. T analysis Strength * The Coffeehouse will offer foods compatible to the coffee that customer’s orders. * The environment of the business is always clean and well ventilated for customers to feel relaxed. * The beverages that the business offers are locally and naturally produced that ensures the quality of the products and lowers additional costs. * Ingredients for other products that will be offered by the business like pastries, salads and the likes is organically produce in the businesses green house. * The business is located near establishments for business, academic, rising condominiums and the occasional joggers of the area. Weakness * Unlike other coffee shops the location of our store is not inside the mall. * Lot of expenses. * Slow regaining for profit. * We need to advertise our coffee shop to the public to be known unlike the others. * Low competitiveness when it comes to name or brand. Opportunities * The coffee that we offer is new to the every individuals so the opportunity in it is that the coffee drinkers may want to try our products to compare it to their usual coffee. * Threats * The other coffee brands is popularly known by every individuals that drinks coffee. *
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