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The Doctrine of the Church Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
The Doctrine of the Church - Research Paper Example For what reason would you say you are so discouraged, O my spirit? For what reason do...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Information Technology Research Paper
Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Information Technology - Research Paper Example In case of these, the system is destroyed, replaced, and a new life cycle begins (McGonigle and Mastrian 201-202). There are various risks involved in the purchasing and implementing of the HIT system. An organization therefore, needs to follow particular steps to avoid the risks. According to McGonigle and Mastrian, a waterfall model is necessary in guiding the steps involved in purchasing and implementing of a new HIT system (205). This model mainly includes feasibility, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. In New York’s Bezalel Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, before the purchase of a HIT system, the management, in collaboration with the concerned staff ensure that the previous system is analysed, including its effectiveness and failures. This way, it becomes easy to identify the needs of the organization, as well as the capacity, and type of the specific system to be purchased. This is because a new system is capable of either solving problems or creating new problems in an organization. Therefore, the main step is to identify, and analyse the workflow of the previous system, and its strengths and weaknesses, which need improvement. This ensures the purchase of the right technology that will serve the needs of the organization (McGonigle and Mastrian 206). Implementing of the new technology in this company involves the selection of programming codes, which best suit the new technology. This includes the right language of programming for the new technology, and other programming codes, based on the requirements of the new acquisition. Testing involves the programming units of the system, its integration level, data capacity, and testing of the whole system. Of great importance is the volume of data the system can accommodate. Beta testing by a team of employees ensures that the system works according to commands in its task execution. Finally, the staff is briefly trained on
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Managerial Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managerial Accounting - Assignment Example The net operating income in 2014 by Variable Costing Method is higher than that found by Absorption Costing Method because the inventory decreased in 2014. In any case when inventory increases, by Absorption Costing Method, the net operating income will be higher than that found using Variable Costing Method (Ray, 2014). 4. In 2013, the Net Operating Income (NOI) using Absorption Costing is 3335 dollars higher than the value got using Variable Costing method. The difference results from the fixed manufacturing overhead that is added to the ending inventory under Absorption Costing method. A part of fixed manufacturing overhead is absorbed by the ending inventory hence cuts down the burden of the current period. That is, a part of fixed cost of the present period is taken to the next period. As claimed by MM to having used the Variable Costing Method to arrive at the price that results into a profit of $5 (105-100) per Bike since the production cost of a Bike is $100 by Variable costing Method. Variable Costing method (VCM)is preferable for internal decision making such as pricing. This is because VCM provides managers with relevant information necessary for preparing contribution margin income statement. This leads to more effective CVP analysis, Cost Volume Price analysis (Jacqueline, 2012). VCM separates Fixed and variable costs thus managers are able to determine contribution margin ratios and points such as target profit points and break-even points and even carry out sensitivity analysis. On the other hand Absorption Costing Method (ACM) is recommended for reporting profit stakeholders. This is because financials statement prepared by the ACM conforms to the GAAP; thus auditors accept the statements. Additionally, ACM assigns fixed cost to units of products hence this allows stakeholders to match costs to revenues(Jacqueline,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Sumitomo Corporation And Yasuo Hamanakas Copper Scandal Finance Essay
Sumitomo Corporation And Yasuo Hamanakas Copper Scandal Finance Essay The financial world had been confronted heavily by trading scandals in 1995, with Japans Daiwa Bank and the rouge trader, Nick Leeson. When it seemed the scandals couldnt get much worse, the Sumitomo Copper Scandal emerged. This was the biggest scandal in the history of commodities trading and ranked in the top five trading losses in financial history up until the late 1990s. Sumitomo Corporation is a Japanese trading house, which is currently one of the largest worldwide trading companies headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. In the 1990s Sumitomo owned large amounts of both physical copper, which was stored in warehouses and factories, as well as numerous futures contracts. Copper was a relatively small market compared to other metals, such as aluminum. According to Andrew Beattles article, The Copper King: An Empire Built on Manipulation, copper is an illiquid commodity that cannot be easily transferred around the world to meet shortages. For example, a rise in copper prices due to a sho rtage in the United States will not be immediately cancelled out by shipments from countries with excess copper. This occurs because moving copper between storage and delivery costs money, which can cancel out the price differences. It is important to note that Yasuo Hamanaka was the chief copper trader of this trading house, and attempted to corner the entire worlds copper market leaving Sumitomo with a loss of more than $1.8 billion (Beattle). WHAT HAPPENED: For ten years, Yasuo Hamanaka had successfully managed to control the worlds price of copper. He eventually came to control five percent of the entire supply of copper, which may not seem like much considering ninety-five percent was in other traders hands (Beattle). However, due to the fact the abundant and cumbersome challenges that exist in the copper market (in movement, delivery, etc.) and the fact that even the largest traders in the market owned an even smaller percentage, Hamanakas five percent was indeed very significant. During the ten years of his manipulation he was able to use Sumitomos size and large cash reserves to corner and squeeze the market through the London Metal Exchange. The London Metal Exchange is the worlds biggest metal exchange. Furthermore, the London Metal Exchanges copper price essentially dictated the worlds copper price at the time (Beattle). Although the London Metal Exchange was large in size, it was fairly poor in terms of regulation. In fact, this exchange had little to no regulation at the time of Hamanakas rampant market manipulation. The Sumitomo Copper Scandal lasted for about a decade due to these negligent and almost nonexistent regulations on behalf of this particular exchange. To put the entire crisis into laymens terms, one must first understand that Hamanaka was taking a long futures position on copper and simultaneously buying up a substantial amount of physical copper as well. This caused any one trader who took a short futures position to have to buy long positions in order to cancel out their short positions. Due to the fact that Hamanaka had a large number of long positions, those people looking to buy them had to pay increasingly higher prices. These skyrocketing futures prices are what Hamanaka was able to control; the more the prices rose, the more money he made. This is because those with short positions were still paying this higher price in order to liquidate those positions. Another way that Hamanaka was making money was that while these prices continued to rise, some people holding short positions thought that instead of paying a high price for a long position they would buy the physical copper and deliver it to the holder of the long positi ons. So, because Hamanaka also owned 5% of the physical copper he could charge a very high price to those with short positions because they didnt want to keep paying money to liquidate their short positions. Essentially, he was making money by owning long futures as well as physical copper. WHY: There are no assured reasons as to why Hamanaka engaged in such illegal trades. Perhaps he felt pressured to maintain the consistent levels of annual revenue for Sumitomos traditional copper business-about ten billion dollars. He would therefore maintain his reputation as a phenomenal copper trader as well as his firms dominance in the commodities market. It is also important to note that individuals such as Hamanaka, do attempt to corner the market in order to create an unfair advantage by purchasing a significant amount of shares. This eventually increases the price of shares, making them appear to have a greater value. As the price of the shares continues to rise, more buyers become attracted, and then demand further increases the price of the shares. This causes short sellers to be driven out of the market through a short squeeze. In the article Short Squeeze, it explains that a short squeeze is a situation in which an increase in the price of the stock triggers a rush of buying activity among short sellers. Therefore, it is necessary for the short sellers to buy stock in order to close out their short positions to minimize their losses, causing a further increase in stock prices. Overtime, this causes one to sell their holdings at an artificially inflated price and then leave their investment or opt to sell their shares with the knowledge that the price will decrease once normal supply and demand forces return (Investing Answers). WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE: Yasuo Hamanaka, also referred to as Mr. Copper, was the former copper trading chief for Sumitomo Corporation. Following research of the Sumitomo Copper Scandal, one can confidently say that Hamanaka is the key player who is held responsible for the 2.6 billion dollar loss over a ten-year period. In fact, the article, Sumitomo Corporation states that, it believed that Mr. Hamanaka was solely responsible for the unauthorized trading (215). His attempted action to corner the worlds entire copper market by falsifying financial records and forging signatures alluded to such a significant loss for the company. It is also important to note that prior to the discovery of Hamanakas accumulation of illegal trades, he was given a great amount of responsibility within the company. This was because he was perceived by top executives to have superior knowledge and experience within copper trading. Therefore, one can also conclude that the top executives within the corporation can also be held responsible for the Sumitomo Copper Scandal. This is because the Sumitomo Corporation and senior management did not have secure safeguards in place to ensure that they knew exactly what their employees were doing. Furthermore, Hamanakas reputation as being a superstar copper trader only worked to solidify the lack of regulation and discipline (Sumitomo Corporation). When Sumitomo Corporations reputation began to tarnish from individuals outside the company, they responded to the allegations by stating that Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan Chase were the two banks responsible. In the article The Copper King: An Empire Built On Manipulation, author Andrew Beattle explains that Sumitomo Corporation claimed that Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan Chase granted the loans to Hamanaka via future derivatives; hence the two banks kept the scheme going. Consequently, both banks were found guilty to some extent (Beattle). RIPPLE EFFECTS ON THE MARKET: Historically, there has been a close correlation in the behavior of metal prices. When one metal falls, the others tend to follow. However, the Sumitomo announcement did not harm other metals despite the recent dramatic drop in copper prices. Copper is a relatively small market compared to other metals, such as aluminum and gold. The price of the metal was above $1.25 a pound in New York in early May of 1996, but it fell to $1.04 on June 13, just before Sumitomo announced its loss. Following the announcement, copper was trading at about 89 cents (Wall). The decline in prices of copper before the Sumitomo scandal was believed to have risen from people being concerned about the number of new copper mines that were planned and the potential supply problems that it could bring about (Wall). Copper prices fell ten percent in the weeks following Hamanakas removal (Fletcher), however, prices had been falling for a while, and the scandal only exacerbated the trend (Uchitelle). The main effect of Sumitomos losses was the decline in public confidence in financial institutions. Americans wondered how well their local financial institutions were handling oversight of management. They also were concerned about a temporary decline in stock prices as well as higher interest rates for money to seek to borrow from banks (Uchitelle). The dollar is driven by peoples perception of commodity price movements, and although the dollar had weakened before news of the Sumitomo scandal, the fall in copper prices has contributed to the dollars softness (Wall). The Sumitomo affair concerned the United States about the openness of Japans financial system and the implications for interest rates. These worries as well as the copper crisis had contributed to the decline of the yen. The collapse in copper prices also hurt the Australian dollar. RISK MANAGEMENT ERRORS: In the Sumitomo copper scandal, the financial debacle originates from the failures of proper risk management. By entering into fictitious trades for over ten years and manipulating several accounts, Hamanaka successfully misled his management into believing that he was making huge profits. Hamanaka had been trading on the London Metal Exchange forward market for copper. Sumitomo was the largest participant in the physical market for copper-he handled twice the volume as his competitors. Hamanaka was known in the copper markets as Mr. Five Percent because Sumitomos copper trading team traded approximately 500,000 metric tons of copper a year, which was five percent of the total world demand for copper (Weston). In regards to risk management, whenever any hedge fund or speculator who was aware of manipulation tried to take short positions, Hamanaka invested more money into his positions, thus sustaining a higher price because he dominated the market. However, despite these illegal practices no action was taken against Hamanaka because of the profits he generated for the company (Weston). There are several reasons from a management perspective as to why the scandal carried on as long as it did. The middle office may have bypassed early warning signals perhaps because Hamanaka was perceived as an experienced senior trader. Hamanaka was chief of the trading office and intentionally had an incentive to maximize profit opportunities through illegal ways. Employees within the firm may have allowed the fraud to occur by turning the other way. This is a case of decentralization (Tschoegl). The Sumitomo scandal has provided valuable insight and enables one to appreciate and understand the importance of internal and external controls. If there had been any controls, it is believed that the scandal would have been detected much earlier and before a loss of $1.8 billion. WAS IT PREVENTABLE? IF SO, HOW? The Sumitomo Copper Crisis was, at its core, a very preventable crisis-almost embarrassingly so. The huge financial swings that the copper market saw in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a result of Hamanakas indiscretions were exactly that: the result of one mans greed and indiscretions. Hamanaka initiated and participated in the illegal trade of copper-like making off the book deals in order to recover unrealized losses-and incited a wave of regulatory laws by the London Metal Exchange and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Hamanaka exploited various agents and partnerships in his ten-year long market-manipulating extravaganza. He was able to do this due to serious misgivings and loopholes in the commodity futures markets, as well as taking advantage of gaps in the chain of command and knowledge. Hamanaka maintained two different sets of trading books: one that recorded fabricated profits for the Sumitomo Corporation and another real record of all the off-the-book and under-the-table deals that were made to maintain control of the market. This long-term interference and domination of the copper market was nonetheless very hard to maintain due to one key fact: in order to corner a commodities market, the company must actually hold the assets, which presents an additional strain on resources and funds. This very requirement may be the answer to preventing scandals like this in the future (Wall). As aforementioned, the Sumitomo Copper Crisis was largely unavoidable simply because one mans poor decisions affected the rest of the affiliated market. The essence of the problem was unauthorized trading that the culprit undertook to enhance his firms profitability and then his own career and pay, Adrian Tschoegl mentioned in The Key to Risk Management. However, the true debacle is a result of a lack of internal and external controls. The Sumitomo Corporation, which was divided into essentially three separate offices (front, back and middle), simply did not harbor or even encourage communication between departments and sectors (Tschoegl). The middle office (which is responsible for one of the most key business functions: risk management) can easily be said to have failed most spectacularly in this scandal. The lack of risk awareness and management led to a loss of $1,800 million dollars and a stain on the Sumitomo name, all because of a decentralized, non-communicative corporate str ucture (Tschoegl). The most effective approach to avoiding something like this in the future is basically three-pronged: more and better management-level controls, independent transaction monitoring, and more stringent regulation (of the London Metal Exchange, by the government, and of corporations e.g. corporate social responsibility) (Tschoegl). The management-level controls should consist of a conscious effort at centralizing every part of the company, as well as maintaining strict inter-company discipline and training. Independent transaction making should be monitored so no two-book accounting systems are permissible; that is to say, that there is a system of checks and balances within the corporation to ensure above-board transactions. In terms of regulation on behalf of various agencies and governments, its only necessary to say that more of it is probably needed to avoid price manipulation. Perhaps a system of rigorous reporting and accounting policies could be implemented, which would strength en the markets effectiveness anyways. CONCLUSION: Its fair to say that the Sumitomo Copper Crisis leaves the skilled and careful trader with a few pivotal takeaways. First, both internal and external management controls are absolutely crucial to the success of any company, but if said management is left to run unchecked through the system, mishaps and misdeeds are bound to occur. Strict and standardized corporate training and discipline is the remedy to this pitfall. Second, given the right amount of determination and finesse, the market on almost any given commodity can be cornered, for better or for worse. Events like this, despite their far-reaching negative implications for the perpetrator, always help make the market a more efficient and fluid network. The lessons that are learned from scandals such as the Sumitomo Copper Affair in the long run only work to better and enhance the market.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Overcrowding Creates Unhappy Students Essay -- Expository Journalistic
Overcrowding Creates Unhappy Students Every high school student’s idea of typical college life involves living in the school’s dorms and eating disgusting food from the cafeteria. What most future college students don’t realize is that usually after the sophomore year of college, many universities do not guarantee housing, leaving students to fend for themselves. Housing is an issue on almost every university’s campus nationwide at one point or another. There is always a high demand for housing, and an even higher demand for on-campus housing. Many universities offer guaranteed housing to freshmen, but after that it is rare to receive anything better. To solve this problem universities are attempting to expand their campuses to incorporate more dorms, or are converting other buildings on campus into dorms. Not only is this process expensive for the university, it has also come to involve the local neighborhoods. When the university wants to expand that means the neighborhoods surrounding the school have to accommodate these changes; this has led to feuds between universities and residential neighborhoods around them. For example Harvard University; which already owns quite a bit of land in Boston, recently decided to expand its campus into Alston and a little into Brighton. In an article in the Boston Globe the residents of Alston and Brighton expressed their concerns about what will happen to the land, and how fast it will happen. Their main concern is that the new developments will increase the cost of living, and there will not be enough affordable housing. This will be an ongoing battle that will likely end with Harvard paying excessive amounts of money to the town to obtain the land. In an article in the Bos... ...e numerous complaints. â€Å"We will address this issue quickly and thoroughly,†Phelan said. â€Å"We want to be good neighbors.†According to the Globe article, city officials plan to ask Northeastern to appear before the licensing board, and have also hinted at legal action if the university doesn’t obtain a dorm license for the buildings. From problems of infestation to not enough rooms, universities around the state are in the same dilemma. Many have found solutions and are in the process of alleviating the problems, while others are still looking for a suitable solution. In the case of Northeastern, they have attacked the issue of over crowding by building numerous new buildings, but have yet to fix those buildings that are slowly deteriorating. Until they do this, they will have to find a way to make the living situation in these buildings a bit more bearable.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Banana candle wax Essay
Abstract The researcher conducts this study due to economic crisis nowadays. Its aim is to create a product of floor wax which is cheaper and could give the same quality which the commercial one could give. In this modern age, floor polishes were made from synthetic materials. We decided to put back the floor polish of the old days that was made from natural materials. We choose banana peelings as component of the polish. But first, we must find out if the product was an effective as commercial polish and if it can be used for different surfaces so the researcher conducted an experiment. We scraped the inner portion of banana peelings and boiled for four hours, extracted the and blended to obtain a smooth gel. We therefore concluded that the Floor Polish Made from Banana peelings was effective as commercial polishes. The product did not contain harmful chemicals so it was environmental friendly, safer and cheaper. This step was made by the researcher to make a floor wax out of banana peel: first, we mix 2 candle wax then it was melted in a low fire. While still hot, add 1 teaspoon of oil. After mixing, add the banana peels, Stir it and leave it after 3min.then strain and pour in a container. Introduction and its background As of now, our country is facing a great crisis in economy. The researcher found out that in school, they required using of floor wax (commercial) to prevent the floor shiny. Even in the houses, floor wax is being use. So, the researcher decided to make a floor wax which is very affordable and can give an equal quality as the commercial can. Statement of the problem a)Can banana be an alternative source in making a floor wax? Formulation of the Hypothesis a) Banana can’t be an alternative source in making a floor wax. b)Banana can be an alternative source in making a floor wax. Significant of the study This study can give benefits to the people especially to the poor once, to have a good business and also to save money for their other needs. Especially in schools, it will give a benefit to the students as well as their parents to save money. It is also easy and enjoyable to do. Scope and limitation This study is only limited for the investigation of banana (Musa paradisiaca) used as alternative source for floor wax making. The researcher chose this study for further investigation if the banana can be an effective source for floor wax. 8.) Definition of terms a) Banana – a tropical fruit b) Floor wax – a substance used for shining floors. 9. Related Studies BANANA is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten fruit. They are native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia and Australia. Today, they are cultivated throughout the tropics. Banana plants are of the family Musaceae. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the production of fibre and as ornamental plants. As the bananas are mainly tall, upright, and fairly sturdy, they are often mistaken for trees, when the truth is the main or upright stem is called a pseudostem, literally meaning â€Å"fake stem†, which for some species can obtain a height of up to 2–8 m, with leaves of up to 3.5 m in length. Each pseudostem would produce a bunch of yellow, green, or even red bananas before dying and being replaced by another pseudostem. Banana leaves are widely used as plates and for lining cooking pits and for wrapping food for cooking or storage. A section of leaf often serves as an eye-shade. In Latin America, it is a common practice during rains to hold a banana leaf by the petiole, upside-down, over one’s back as an â€Å"umbrella†or â€Å"raincoat†. The leaves of the ‘Fehi’ banana are used for thatching, packing, and cigarette wrappers. 10.) Materials †¢Banana peelings †¢Wax Crystals †¢Technical Dye (if desire) †¢ Container †¢Kerosene 11.) Procedure 1.)candle wax. 2.) Melt the materials in a low fire. 3.) While still hot add technical dye (desired color). Stir the mixture. 4.) Add small amount of oil. 5.) Add the Banana peel. 6.) Pour in a desired mold or container and allow it to harden. 12.) Presentation of data analysis & interpretation 13.) Results As the researcher conduct this study, the researcher found out the following: SUBJECT # BANANA FLOOR WAX COMMERCIAL 1 Shine more shine 2 more shine shine 3 Shine more shine Based on the ff. data, the researcher made a better study related to this project and found out that banana floor wax could give also almost the same quality which the commercial one could give. 14.) Summary Floor waxing is essential to maintain the shiny gloss of wooden floors. However, if you find buying ready-made floor wax prohibitively expensive, it’s possible to mix candle wax and oil with banana peels to create a substance suitable for use polishing your wooden floors. This home-made floor wax will give a comparable shine and smoothness to that of commercial products, and the oil counteracts the banana peels stickiness to ensure the finished sheen isn’t tacky. 15.) Conclusions Therefore we conclude that the banana Floor wax is attractive, effective and easy to do. The researcher therefore concluded that banana floor wax could be used as an alternative source of commercial one. 16.) Recommendation The researcher would highly recommend that we could use banana floor wax instead of busy commercial floor wax in the market because it’s cheaper and fits in our budget.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Gender in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet
Abstract The overall impact of the role of gender and prejudice have an influence in every society in every nation around the world. This study examines the literature that has the potential to illustrate many of the controversial subjects emerging in society today. Beginning with a base assessment of Kay’s work allows a far greater depth of understanding and appreciation to be created. This piece critically defines the aspects of the Trumpet in order to illuminate a vital point of needed evolution. With a lasting story line, this analysis can be applied to a wide variety of studies in order to add fundamental quality and understanding. The issues of gender and empathy in the realm of literature have consistently been an area of discussion, with a wide range of interpretation. This study examines the role of gender in Brewer’s theory of structural affect as well as assessing how Jackie Kay’s Trumpet establishes empathy through its portrayal of gender. Alongside this assessment will be a discussion on how Trumpet fits within the categories of queer and postmodern writing in relation to the continuum of Scottish literature at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. This view is necessary in order to grasp the relevance of a transgendered lead character in an award-winning literary novel. It is through the utilization of symbolism that Kay illustrates a relatable link enabling her view to emerge clearly. Establishing key points of the plot through metaphor enables Kay to create a tale that is both easy to assimilate and interesting to explore for the reader. From the onset, the information in Trumpet is designed to drive the reader to empathize with Millie’s pain at the intrusion of media after the death of her beloved husband. This emotion is evident in the opening sentence as the author invokes the image of a widow that is afraid to fully open the curtains because of what lies beyond (1998, p.1). This approach is designed lead the reader to sympathize with Millie by describing her anxiety and pain at the paparazzi surrounding her home in a manner that allows them to readily associate with the situation. â€Å"Even here now the sound of cameras, like the assault of a machine gun, is playing inside my head. I can’t get the noise to go no matter what I do,†(p. 2). Sharing Millie’s misery at the hounding by the media, Kay draws the reader deep into the plot before ever revealing that this is a queer story. The use of gender, and societal prejudice, provides a critical background upon which to build the overall storyline. The ability to define the character prior to revealing potentially perception changing information adds depth and associable elements to the plotline. This is a prime example of Brewer’s theory of affect accurately determining the direction of the literature. Using structural affect, Kay is careful in her initial descriptions of Joss in order to describe him as Millie observed him (1998 p. 3). This ensures that that the reader, although sympathizing with Millie, also identifies her as a reliable narrator. This is a vital point that must be emphasized as the plot line relies on the strength of the narration to progress. The story evolves in such a manner that the reader never believes that Millie is lying about her mistaken certainty that Joss had been born male until their first sexual encounter. By that time a critical point has passed, Millie is in love and the reader has come to know Joss as she saw him during that time (p. 3). Before revealing the deep dark secret that has led to the media scrutiny and the enmity of Millie’s son, Kay takes the tale back in time to introduce Millie’s love story with Joss (1998, p. 4). This creates a form of empathy with the reader that allows them to remember what it feels like to fall in love. Creating a mechanism that invokes a real sense of companionship serves to highlight the tender aspect of the story. This is an illustration of her effective implementation of the structural affect theory. †¦the emotions of the reader are systematically determined by the configuration of the plot and the knowledge states of various agents. For example, consider what happens when the reader has the emotion of surprise. The author withholds critical information at the beginning of the story, information that is necessary for a correct interpretation of the story. Later on, the critical information is revealed, which triggers surprise in the reader. (Graesser and Klettke, n.d., p.2) The writer manipulates the reader’s reaction to specific points of the story by choosing what is revealed and when. This tool is utilized to draw out the main events and bring the entire plot into focus. Even when Millie has her first sexual encounter with Joss, as he/she removes the binding on her breasts, the revelation of Joss’ secret is hinted at rather than announced (p. 20-21). Throughout the story, Kay manipulates the emotional and intellectual response of the reader in order to ensure that the overarching theme remains firmly in the readers mind. To accomplish this, the author utilizes the method of introducing Joss as Millie sees him: as the person she loved, the adoring father, the respected member of the community as well as the sensitive musician (p. 5). Brewer’s structural affect theory focuses on the influencing the psychology of the reader through the literature. †¦Brewer tested his model by (a) manipulating features of the text and knowledge states of the reader and (b) observing whether these manipulations systematically predicted readers’ self-reports of particular emotions and how much they liked the story. The structural affect theory fared quite well in accounting for the psychological data. (Graesser and Klettke, n.d., p. 3). Millie’s early reminiscing is one of the methods that Kay uses throughout this story, this serves to set the stage for the narration to a point. Writing in the first person, Kay relates the tale through Millie’s perception and allows a real sense of personal emotion to reach the story. This included the idea that perhaps she had â€Å"hurt his manhood,†(p. 39) when she expressed her desire to have a baby. Kay employs the affect principle to allow the reader to sympathize with Colman over what he views as his parents’ betrayal (1998, p. 40). She accomplishes this by interjecting a chapter in the third person as a means to make it absolutely clear that Joss had been born and died a female. By moving back and forth between narrators, the author enables a wide range of views to emerge. This instrument is effective and enables the author to transitions back into a first person narrative, this time with Colman as the narrator. Like his mother before him, Colman begins thinking of his father as he reflects on the elements that made Joss a good father (p. 41). The loathing that the reader subsequently develops for Colman is his own doing, based in part on his self-description. â€Å"It was all right, it was, being Joss Moody’s son. Only when I became Colman Moody did everything start to become a total fucking drag. It’s a tall order when you expected to be somebody just because your father is somebody,†(p. 45). Through Colman’s narration, we see Kay explore the feelings of being the adopted child. This is a critical point, as much of the story hinges on these negative emotional feelings. This is a direct association to the desire to look like one’s adoptive parents as well as the child’s efforts to have a normal life with unconventional parents. She even helps the reader to understand why Colman is angry, embarrassed even, that not knowing his father’s secret made him look stupid (p. 46). Overall, the structure of the novel is meant to make Colman appear more callous than sympathetic. This is an attempt by the author to ensure that the plot progresses in a manner that benefits the underlying story. In the early chapters, we learn that Colman refuses to take his mother’s calls and then later that he has sided with a tabloid reporter who wants to write a biography of Joss (1998, p. 15). The reader feels his betrayal of his parents in the action because of the way Kay structured the story. If Kay had led with Colman’s narrative, focussing on the son’s negative memories of his parents and that they failed to provide the child with what he viewed as a ‘normal’ home life, Colman might have been a more sympathetic character to the reader. Instead, Kay uses her structure of the novel to manipulate the reader’s reaction to the character in a manner that adds to the underlying plot. This adds readability and long term credibility to the story. Kay utilizes structural affect to create a postmodern novel in that the tale embraces popular culture and accessibility. In the introduction to her book Postmodernism and Pop Culture (1994), Angela McRobbie argues that one of the defining characteristics of postmodern texts, whether art or literature, is accessibility: Not only was meaning in art or in culture all there, for all to see, stripped of its old hidden elitist difficulty, but it also, again as Jameson pointed out, seemed already familiar, like the faint memory of an old pop song, a refrain, a chorus, a tune, a ‘cover version’ of an original which never was. (2005, p. 3) In essence, McRobbie (1994, p. 1) argues that postmodern works would tell us the meaning behind Mona Lisa’s smile, rather than forcing art critics to speculate on it for 400 years. Kay does not go so far as to spell out the entire intent of the novel in her narrative, she employs the story itself to provide a means of motivation to progress. This is illustrated in the fact that the lesson to his son is about choosing one’s own identity. â€Å"The pictures called Mumbo Jumbo which has made me angrier than anything I can remember. He’s not given a name. Even the name he was given, John Moore, was not his original name,†(p. 276). Joss’ letter for his son discusses the idea that the name other people give us is perhaps less important than the name we give ourselves. This theme adds to the personal value experienced by reader. He, for example, might have been born Josephine Moore, but that was not who he was (p. 276). As Joss explains these things to his son, he makes it clear that no matter what label or name a person is given, they choose for themselves who they will be. â€Å"That’s the thing with us: we keep changing names. We’ve all got that in common. We’ve all changed names, you, me, my father. All for different reasons. Maybe one day you’ll understand mine,†(p. 276). McRobbie argues that postmodernism is also intended to â€Å"force us to think seriously about the trivial†(p. 3). While it is incorrect to label the issues that Kay raises as â€Å"trivial†, there is an aspect of the novel that does seemingly grasp at this approach. Intertwining these elements lends depth and charm to the story, which in turn increases the final impact. In the chapter written in the third person, describing the doctor who comes to make out Joss’ death certificate, the physician finds it necessary to cross out â€Å"male†and â€Å"write†in female and then write it again, more distinctively (Kay p. 276). The author makes it clear that this seems trivial. This is a purposeful effort to guide the reader to make assumptions that are essential to the story. The question, implied by the text and the remainder of the novel, is how does it matterDid the sex assigned to Joss by birth affect the core of who he was, how he loved his family or the music that he madeThe intent then of the work is to make the reader ask if the sex we are assigned at birth is important to whom we are. Or, is gender a trivial matter than can be changed to reflect who we are as human beings? Kay’s writing has had a positive impact on the development of Scottish literature at the end of the 20th century. One of the major factors identified by some scholars is that Kay’s work, and others like it, help move Scottish literature away from the concept that there is a homogeny in the writing there (Shirey p. 5). Kay’s plot line creates an inclusive perception that enables a wide range of acceptance on the part of the author. This translates directly into an international perception of tolerance outside of the traditional norms. The second case, the loss of population, is of course related to the pervasive anxiety in modern Scotland over emigrationâ€â€the recurring sense that many of the potential architects of the Renaissance were contributing their energies towards diasporic communities around the world or towards the continued, futile administration of British imperial power at precisely the moment of that power’s decline. (Shirey, p.6) There had been an perception that the rebirth of Scottish literature was not progressing due to the fact that the writers were either writing about their histories and cultures from before settling in Scotland or that they were so concerned with British approval that they were not distinctively Scottish (p. 7). The ability for Kay to reach out and touch a sensitive portion of the population through the shared experiences of her characters adds to the recognition of Scottish credibility. Her ability to tie in the gender issues of her characters in such a relatable manner illustrates a fundamental knowledge of the issues, which in turns adds gravitas to her entire effort. Where Kay (p. 15) differentiates Trumpet from these trends is that her characters think of themselves as definitively Scottish. This strong national identity adds strength to the notion that the region remains strong in poignant literature. Joss, for example, knows that his father was from somewhere in Africa, but he teaches his son to think of Scotland as his home (Kay p. 276). This allows them to remain Scottish, even though much of their life and experience lies outside of the nation. Kay also takes her characters beyond the stereotype of the Scotsman in her further contribution to Scottish literature. There is a real sense of progression and development on a cultural and national level throughout the entire story. Kay’s contribution to Scottish literature is that she refuses to mould her Scottish nationalism to a white heterosexual history. This is an important point that she makes no apologies for. She makes it clear that not only are the authors of Scottish literature no longer â€Å"straight†white men, neither are the characters. A reflection of modern life creates a real window for the reader to experience the travails of the characters. This allows her writing to carry not only a decisive and relatable story line about a delicate topic, but a real perception of strength and inclusive nature that illustrates the potential of an evolving culture. In the end, Kay’s work has built a solid foundation upon which to continue to build new and more enticing works. References Bennett, A. and Royle, N. (2004) Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory, 3rd ed, Pearson Longman, Harlow. Retrieved from mhttp://site.iugaza.edu.ps/ahabeeb/files/2012/02/An_Introduction_to_Literature__Criticism_and_Theory.pdf Bird, D., Dixon, R. and Lee, C. (2001) Authority and Influence: Australian Literary Criticism 1950-2000, Brisbane, University of Queensland Press. Retrieved from http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/eserv.php?pid=UQ:8899&dsID=Bird_Intro.pdf Graessar, A.C. and Klettke, B. (n.d.) Agency, Plot, and a Structural Affect Theory Of Literary Short Comprehension, The University of Memphis. Retrieved from http://www.memphis.edu/psychology/graesser/publications/documents/IBSCHB2.pdf Kay, J. (1998) Trumpet, New York, Vintage Contemporaries. McRobbie, A. (2005) Postmodernism and Pop Culture, Routledge, London. Retrieved from ttp://m.friendfeed-media.com/b64ddf30a52cfe50d0a7907b198b1b67214613d5 Shirey, R. D. (2007) â€Å"A Shrinking Highlands: Neil Gunn, Nationalism and the ‘World Republic of Letters’†, International Journal of Scottish Literature. 3. Retrieved from http://www.ijsl.stir.ac.uk/issue3/shirey.pdf Stein, A. and Plummer, K. (July, 1994), â€Å"I Can’t Even Think Straight†â€Å"Queer†Theory and the Missing Sexual Revolution in Sociology, Sociological Theory, 12.2 178-187. Web. 15 Retrieved from http://jsingleton.wiki.westga.edu/file/view/I+cant+even+think+straight+queer+theory.pdf/299878142/I%20cant%20even%20think%20straight%20queer%20theory.pdf Thrift, N. (2008) Non-Representational Theory: Space/Politics/Affect, New York & London, Routledge. Warner, M. (2002) Public and Counterpublics (abbreviated version). Quarterly Journal of Speech. 88 (4), pp. 413 – 425.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tips For First-Class Essay To Upgrade Your Degree
Tips For First-Class Essay To Upgrade Your Degree Recommendations For Writing The Best First-Class Essay And Leveling Up Your Degree This article will be dedicated to the first-class essay writing, how you can create it and use for improving your chances to graduate from the university with a first overall. Recent reports inform that more students in the USA/UK are regularly awarded a first-class degree, comparing to the previous years. This is not surprising that some people consider this is that result of decreasing university standards. Students now pay for their education and there are some assumptions that universities want to fulfill their clients’ desire to get â€Å"privileges†. Sure, this can be a reason for the increasing number of first-class graduates. But this also can be resulted by the fact that students improved their researching and writing skills and become able to write better first-class works. They now know better how to make examining notes etc. Moreover, they often share some recommendations and tips with each other that allow more students to improve their results. Why this information can be useful to you? Well, if you think that now you have more chances of ad an undergraduate to be rewarded with first-class, you should better hold the horses. To achieve a first-class degree, you need to work hard and be dedicated to the subject of your study. Regardless of the reasons for an increasing number of first-class degree holder, the following things are very likely: Universities will make their standards even stricter. They will revise the criteria for awarding graduates with first-class degrees and the works for this degree will be estimated closer; Due to the increasing number of graduates with first-class degrees on the job market, HRs will expect this in any other applications by default. How to get a First? So, do you want to get your own new and shining first-class degree after you graduate? Sure, you would not mind getting an extra prof for your professionalism. That is why you need to know more about what can make you stand out considering your goals. Here are some tips: Try to write your first-class essay and constantly practice to improve your skills. It is obvious that the more you write and develop your writing skills, the more chances you will have to get the highest overall. Moreover, getting first-class after your essay is not to the complicated task anyway. But we will get back to this later. Deepen your knowledge of the subject. When you read an essay, you can tell almost for sure whether the author of it was engaged with the topic and the subject and got into every detail. It is also noticeable when the text is written only with understanding the basics. Learn how to express your thoughts and expertise. Even if you have learned every possible material on your subject and know everything about your topic, you still require skills to express your expertise fluently. You need to know how to implement your knowledge into the problem-solving activity. It is daunting when the person has the deepest knowledge in the topic but cannot convey it. If you have received feedback that you need to improve your text, trying to express the thoughts in your own word, use this as an opportunity to improve your skills. Use all the available tools for improving your writing such as online tutorials, mentors or university writing workshops. Almost every university provides help for students in order to help them to improve their skills, especially in writing. Usually, they take place in the libraries. You can also look for Tutoriage blog and study its posts to get general tips and advice on academic writing. Moreover, such services can be a great place to ask for writing assistance. For instance, we have academic writers who are experts in their task and they can provide you with the completely original essay, without plagiarized parts of other flaws. Be prepared to work hard and put all efforts on this task. Simple following the points of your writing assignment is not enough to stand out. After all, this is why the classing system was incorporated. You need to show results that are much better than average good results of the second-class category. Think out of the box. Discover the new ways of expressing your thoughts, disclosing your subject. Find the opportunity to explain the topic to make it memorable for the reader. But the most important point is: you need to be a gambler! You need to realize that you need to take risks in order to come out of the second-class level and do your best to reach the reward. We will talk more about it further in the text, but now you need to get the main idea that sometimes you may require to act controversially and be skeptical towards your own work. You also have to be prepared to make a step back sometimes. If you have ever seen the poker game where only professionals take part in, you might have noticed that even the best player leave the table sometimes. But be sure, they do so because it is their choice. What is a First-class essay exactly? We have talked about various things like risks, enhancing expertise, looking for opportunities to express your thoughts etc. But it may sound too abstract. People who write such essays may have a different point of view on the creating process. But we all will agree to the same look of the first-class essay and that it has the same features, regardless of the topic or subject: The accurate following of the points from the assignment. You may consider that it goes without saying – follow the points in your brief. But can you tell for sure that you study the brief good before start writing? When it comes to the first-class essay, the main features of it would be originality and creativity. But following the instructions is on the same importance level. If you have previously composed guidelines on how your essay should look like, follow the given instructions. You can take some notes on the most complicated points to may more time to them. But you need to check with the brief from time to time in order to walk in the right direction and exclude cases when you need to rewrite everything from the very beginning. Protect yourself from the situations when you have written a great essay from scratch, but not following the brief will spoil all the impression about it. Yes, originality is really important. But the accuracy is as much important and if you meet all the requirements, you will get all the credits. Use clear and understandable argumentation. Another distinctive feature of the first-class essays is that they are explicit about their intentions. Your reader must understand what points you are going to prove from the first paragraphs. And by the end of it receive the conclusion that will explain your points. Your essay should be shaped by your main idea, your thesis. So work on it and thought it through well. When it comes to the first-class essay, it should not be just a retelling the thoughts of the original material. You need to express your views on one or another aspect. You need to make the reader want to follow your thinking process. Maintain your arguments. Your essay is not about the complicated arguments, but about proving them right. You need to include thoughts from various sources in order to prove your points. Make sure that all your arguments and explanations are in the logical sequence. Sometimes undergraduates forget that they need also to provide counter-argumentations as well. If you know that there are some opposite points of view on the aspect you are disclosing, mention this in your essay. You can also quote the authors of the opposite thoughts. Or you can assume what opposite arguments could be used in the discussion of the topic. Using this â€Å"tool†you can prove your point, even more, comparing it to the alternatives. If you do everything right, you will see that the opposite thoughts do not distract from your main views but just support them and provide additional proofs. You show that you have evaluated all the possible arguments and still are confirmed that your statement is right. Develop a logical structure that will suit your task. We all have ever had to write comparative essays about a few things, let’s say books. And we probably all face the same problem: we had so much to write about the text and completely nothing about another one. Do you have any techniques to avoid such problems? It is fine when you start working on the essay where you can simply write down all your thoughts on a particular topic. You decide to focus on the aspects you care about, forgetting completely on the aspects you are supposed to write about as well. And you end up with having an essay with 1000 words one book you liked and less than 300 words at the end of the essay about the one you did not like. For such cases, you need to adjust your mindset for writing the first-class essay. The remarkable feature of the good first-class essay is that it contains all relevant proofs for the points in a logical sequence and in a way to suit reaching the goal. It is not shaped by the aspects the author finds interesting. You need to maintain the balance between things you care about and the arguments that are required for disclosing the topic. Intellectual risks and proofs of in-depth engagement. This is the point that discloses the going-above-and-beyond aspect. Everything about your essay starting with the intro and ending with the list of references will serve as a marker of how deep you are engaged in the topic you have disclosed. And if you have done deep research, used various sources of information to study all the aspects of the topic, then you have got more chances to overcome other graduates and show results worth first-class degree. But this is not the main challenge. You also need to be sure that all arguments and fact you present to prove the point should be organized in a logical sequence. Prove you realize your input in the process of creation of the knowledge. Many students do not pay attention to this aspect as they consider they cannot make a serious contribution to general academic knowledge. But in fact, we all are the participant of this process. Students often may affect the views of the tutors on the well-known aspects of the subjects. This even may lead to the changing of the way of teaching etc. So the students who want to get a first-class degree should be aware of this and realize that they also can influence the direction of knowledge development. There are two main things you need to pay attention to considering this. Firstly, you need to select the sources of information carefully and in accordance with your subject. Secondly, take into consideration the style of those sources. You can incorporate the way the respectable scholar write and use similar phrases, like openings or the conclusions etc. Shortly speaking, your essay should be presented in the following way: Clear purpose, integrated structure, original arguments and confident presenting of thoughts. Sure thing, you will not become a master in essay writing in a blink of an eye. You need time to practice and learn all these aspects. But constant work on this will definitely bring you closer to the level that first-class degree holders deserve. But now use some tips that will help you on your way: An early start There are high chances that you will have a lot on your plate during the term. If you have access to the syllabus, take some notes on what essays it will include and what tasks you will need to cover. Think about them in advance. If your studying starts in September, find some time during the summer to prepare for future work. This is the time when you can easily define the areas that will be interesting to you. As soon as your module starts, you need to realize that it is never early to start working on your essay, even if the deadline is far. Do not miss the opportunity to choose the most interesting topic, as other students may also be engaged with the same things. As soon as you have got it, you can start reading about it, collecting sources of information and stimulate your own critical thinking. Read beyond the syllabus Regular students often consider that if they have got a reading list, all they need to do is just read it. They do not look beyond it. And as soon as they have done â€Å"all the reading†, they think that their task is completed. But being a first-class student you need to realize that the reading list is just a starting point. You can use it as a source of origins and stories connected to your topic. Having this approach, you will find materials that will be above the one that is offered in the syllabus. Research the literature offered in the syllabus and look for the original sources of the thoughts that are disclosed there. Often there are suggested simplified versions or materials that were sourced from the original and more complicated scholar works. In the syllabus, those materials are presented in a form of overview for easier understanding. But if you will find the full version of the work, you will get a deeper understanding of the topic and may find some useful points as well. Create your bibliography during the research Take notes of what sources and materials you use during your research. This will definitely save some of your time later. But collecting all the sources from the syllabus and during the research can be time-consuming as well. So you need to take advantage of the special referencing tools that save your time on organizing the sources. You need to make a habit to add all the sources you use to these tools like software for bibliography creation or similar. Ask your tutor or other students whether your university has a subscription to the premium tools like RefWorks or Endnote. There might be available free version of Zotero as well, and it will be enough for collecting sources. Usually, these tools are based on adding DOI to your text while working on it. This method is the most informative as this identifier keep all the details about the source and the reader may refer to it (if it is an open source). We also advise you to organize your researches and divide it into the categories. This will help you to find the required source, if needed and to cover all the aspects without missing any. Create your own topic ideas, and consult with to your tutor Even if you like to work alone and skip meetings with your tutor, you need to do so if you want to work on your first-class essay. This is the sign of your serious attitude to the thing you do. Visit every meeting with your tutor as often as possible. Use them as an opportunity to discuss all your ideas and find the right direction for topic disclosing. If it is allowed, create your own topic to make sure it will be interesting to you and original. If you do not know whether it is possible to do so, ask whether you have this opportunity. The best way to show that you are engaged and able to write an original content is to suggest a particular topic. This is a great opportunity to show that you are interested in creating something original and new. You will not lose anything, but you will definitely show your enthusiasm that can add you some points at the very beginning of your work. Your tutor may guide you in the right direction, but in most cases, they approve student’s ideas and help them in defining the right arguments and sources. Learn how to express your own thoughts Students often got frustrated if they receive feedback where their work was estimated as second-class worthy. This can be resulted due to the troubles with the student’s own understanding of the topic. During the work on the essay, the students usually read a lot and it is mostly a good thing. But sometimes it may cause a loss of confidence in your own ideas. You may be tempting just to rewrite the materials of other scholars and simply express their thoughts in other words. This may be caused by the fact that you have read a lot of works on this topic and you â€Å"borrow†the point of view of the scholars. But this approach cannot bring you closer to a first-class degree as, apart from the deep knowledge of the topic and scholars thoughts; you need to express in your essay your own positions about everything in it. You need to think what thoughts you share and what ideas do not relate to you. Ask yourself some questions like: Do I share this opinion? Why? Why not? What arguments can help me to defend my position? Take some time to think about these things on every stage of your researching and essay writing. This is the right approach if you want a first-class degree. Sure, there is a risk that you did not understand some fundamentals correctly. And eventually, your argument will be built on the wrong fundament. But it is a part of our life when we can make mistakes and chose the wrong direction. You do not have to be embarrassed or disappointed in yourself. Being a gambler, you will be able to cope with these realities. After all, you always can consult with your tutor. Ask him/her to reread your essay or the first drafts and correct some critically wring aspects. Is it worth the risk? Sure! We all understand that risks in academic writing can exist. But following the guidelines from this article as well as recommendations of your tutor will allow you to minimize cases of failures. Moreover, you will definitely grow as an academic. People who will estimate your essay will consider this as well, but they will show what aspects of your essay do not fit. Even if your risks will not work out, you will definitely get much higher than you could by playing the safe â€Å"2:1†zone. So anyway you will get a higher mark and will enhance your writing skills. Also, you will get more benefits from working deeper on the topic, than just an academic recognition. You will become more educated and your thinking will become more trained. You will not be afraid to express your thoughts as you will always have the argumentation to support them. So, good luck you with your professional and personal growth.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay on Body Modification D
Essay on Body Modification D Essay on Body Modification D Body Modification. The term can have weird and scary implications for people who have no personal interest or experience in the subject, and it can be all too easy to judge or malign its participants and practitioners. But in reality, to willfully modify one’s body is to take part in a culture and tradition that spans class, race, and human history like nothing else. In the simplest terms, â€Å"body modification†means to deliberately alter one’s physical appearance, though people usually assume the phrase applies only to such practices as tattooing and piercing or the more esoteric branding and scarification. However, all one has to do is look at society’s present definition of aesthetic to discover that almost all of us engage in some form of body modding or other. For instance, it would be pretty hard to find a woman these days who doesn’t have her ears pierced, and one of the most involved, long-term, and committed types of body modification, b odybuilding, is not often even considered to be so. And, of course, surgical body modification has become extremely common in the form of cosmetic surgery, but that’s rarely considered shocking or odd unless the procedure goes wrong or the resulting aesthetic is outside of the socially accepted standard of beauty. In every group of humans in known and recorded history, there have been members who modified their bodies. The reasons behind their choices vary widely, even within a single society. In many cultures around the world, social status, group affiliations, and wealth are advertised with jewelry and adornments; in others, deeper meanings are behind the punctures, scars, and tattoos they wear. In certain African cultures, for instance, rites of passage successfully completed are denoted by scarring all over the face and body, painfully administered by the practiced hand of an elder or religious leader, the discomfort bravely endured by the new initiate, and the marks worn proudly ever after. In some groups of people in India and Southeast Asia, genital modifications are sought after by devotees of the arts of love, and desired and preferred by their partners. And, of course, in almost every culture there are modifications that are done purely for aesthetic reasons–adornment and beautification of both sexes and all genders, striving towards an accepted goal or standard of human perfection within their culture. It’s a commonly accepted misconception that body piercing is a relatively recent trend or fashion, but ear piercing, of course, is incredibly common in almost every culture throughout history, with a huge range of legends, myths, and meanings behind the jewelry worn and its placement. Nostril piercing has been documented in the Middle East as far back as 4,000 years. The fashion continued in India in the sixteenth century, and is still widely practiced there to this day. Both ear and nostril piercing and jewelry are mentioned in t he Bible: Genesis 24:22, Isaiah 3:21.(New International Version) And piercings in other parts of the body, such as labret or lip piercings, are widely practiced often in the form of enlarged piercings and lip discs. Tribes across Africa, in Southeast Asia, and in North and South America all participate in lip piercing. And today, of course, all of these types of piercings are still practiced in the West, though the primary motivation behind them is aesthetic adornment and enhancement. Tattooing, as we know it, can be documented as far back as 3300 BCE as seen in the discovery of Otzi the Iceman in 1991 and ancient Egyptian mummies bearing tattoos of animals and various creatures. (PBS) The practice, however, is believed to have originated over 10,000 years ago. The mechanics of tattooing have changed a bit over the years, and the pigments and inks used have wildly improved in recent times, but whether hand-tapped, poked with a single needle, or administered with the telltale buzz of a modern tattoo machine, the basic reasons behind the choice to
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A winning pitch - Emphasis
A winning pitch A winning pitch A guest blog on the Law Society Gazettes website says that writing pitches is not something that lawyers can afford to skate over. The article, Pitch writing: because its worth it, was contributed by Rob Ashton, Emphasis chief executive. In it, he looks at why far from being a waste of otherwise billable hours a carefully put together and tailored pitch is actually a sound investment in your firm. Much like death and taxes, for lawyers, pitch-writing is an inevitable part of life. And in todays financial climate more than ever, the pitch can make or break a deal. It can do the same for your firms reputation. Find out exactly why by reading the blog in full.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Matisses Dance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Matisses Dance - Essay Example Henri Matisse received an important commission in 1909 from Sergei Shchukin, who was a wealthy Russian industrialist. Shchukin asked Matisse to pain three large scale canvases that would be used to decorate the spiral staircase of his Trubetskoy palace Mansion located in Moscow. After the Russian revolution of 1917, these panels were obtained by the Hermitage. the Large and well loved painting Dance 1 is considered to be rather disingenuously titled and although it is essentially a full scale in oil, of interest is that Matisse did not initially consider it to be more than a preparatory sketch (Rubin & Matisse, 2008). Henri Matisse was already an established law clerk in Paris when he began to keenly follow his interest in art and painting. He conducted an intense study of the works of some of the post-impressionistic painters such as Paul Cezanne before he and some of his contemporaries went on to create what was dubbed as the Fauvism movement. The Fauvism movement was their perception of the post-impressionistic era. However, this movement lasted for a relatively very short duration and its signature brush strokes eventually disappeared from Matisse’s work which later on went to encompass the Cubist movement style. The Dance 1 painting is considered to be one of the most noteworthy pieces that Matisse was able to produce during his Fauvism period (Zibas, 2011).
Friday, October 18, 2019
The political party of WEST VIRGINIA (USA) Essay
The political party of WEST VIRGINIA (USA) - Essay Example The present political system of the state has been identified to have a major bearing upon the development of its socioeconomic position within the global context (Golder Associates Inc, â€Å"East Lynn Lake Coal Lease Socioeconomic Baseline Assessment and Socioeconomic Impact Analysis†). PART 1 In relation to the geographical background, West Virginia is located in the Southern region of the US and surrounded by Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Maryland. With abundance of valuable resources to suffice the developmental needs of the state, the state has been able to grasp the attention of other neighboring states and territories within the US. From a historical perspective, the socioeconomic condition of West Virginia has long been witnessed to endure various difficulties and challenges with regard to the development of its demographics, income levels and employment statistics. Moreover, the population trends of the state can also be duly considered as one of the maj or and growing concerns towards the development of its economy. In relation to the socioeconomic development, the political conditions within the state can be recognized as more fragile in comparison to other US states. According to the present statistics, it can be apparently observed that a majority of the population, i.e. 90% are the Non-Hispanic Whites. Moreover, the present income level of the population has also been identified to face radical changes as compared to other US states. The per capita personal income of the population has been witnessed to prevail under the average income level of the other US states. West Virginia is presently standing at 50th position in respect to its economic stance in the US, which represents a slower movement of income level amid the population (Golder Associates Inc, â€Å"East Lynn Lake Coal Lease Socioeconomic Baseline Assessment and Socioeconomic Impact Analysis†). The cultural background of West Virginia demonstrates the prevalen ce of friendly and helpful environment and the maintenance of a realistic culture that eventually attracts the attention of the global population (Barker, A Study of West Virginia Values and Culture†). PART 2 The most powerful political party in West Virginia can be viewed as the Democratic Party amid the other existing political parties within the state. Primarily, the political environment of the state consists of four independent political parties including Democratic, Libertarian, Mountain and Republican. Although the Republican Party proceeded over the origin of West Virginia, the Democratic Party has been leading the state from the last few decades with efficiency. This Democratic Party is regarded as the most renowned party in West Virginia because of its striving performance in satisfying the developmental needs of the state, rather than rendering prime focus on mitigating the influence of other political parties within the state. With regard to determine the political system efficacy of West Virginia, the Governor of the state can be viewed as the primary figure of the entire political system, irrespective of partisan affiliation (Brisbin 136-148). The US and the State legislature of the Democratic Party has been currently comprising 20 Governor Political Affiliations, 19 State Senate Majority Affiliations along with 22 State House Majority Affiliations and 22 State Attorney General Political Affilia
Astronmy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Astronmy - Essay Example The planets appear to be varying in brightness since they are not always at the same distance from the earth Earth centered universe was proposed by ancient Greek philosophers, Aristotle and Ptolemy. All heavenly bodies are attached to 56 concentric spheres which rotate around the Earth. In their superseded theory of geocentric model, they assumed that earth is at the centre of universe and all planets and stars like sun revolves around the earth. The Greeks were also believed that the motion of the planets were circular and not elliptical. They also believed that the stars were circling around the poles and the stars near the equator rising and setting each day and circling back to their rising point. Polish astronomer Nicolas Copernicus was the first who put forward the sun centered universe theory which is known as heliocentric theory in the 1514. This theory assumes sun at the centre of the universe and all other planets revolving around it except moon. He was successful in predicting the earth’s third place in the solar system. He also believed that the shape of the orbit in which the planets revolving around the sun is not exactly circular. â€Å"Sometimes Mars went forward, other times it slowed down or went backwards. If the planets all revolved around the Earth, why didnt Mars orbit in a uniform way?†(Dean Regas) This idea actually questioned the authenticity of earth centered universe model and encouraged Copernicus to formulate his famous heliocentric theory. Earth centered universe concept was an ancient theory formulated mainly by some Greek philosophers like Aristotle, Ptolemy, Plato etc. Observations seem to reinforce this view. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Stars in the north spin counterclockwise around the North Star. And the Earth appears to be the only thing that doesnt move. (Dean Regas) They argued that if the earth did move, then one
Marketing Planning At Just Us Cafes Case Study Essay
Marketing Planning At Just Us Cafes Case Study - Essay Example Enhancing Customer Experience and Expanding Loyal Customer Base 13 Integrating New Media to Promote the Brand 17 Conclusion 20 References 22 Introduction The case study relates to ‘Just Us’ which began its operations in the year 1996 under the Co-operative Association Act. It initiated as one of the earliest fair trade coffee roasters in Canada. ‘Just Us’ evolved as a worker-owned and operated for-profit coffee co-operative that essentially imported, roasted and sold both wholesale as well as retail fair trade, organic coffee brought from fair trade authorised coffee manufacturers from different parts of the world. The main vision of the company is to be one of the leaders in the Fair Trade business focusing upon quality along with professionalism as well as innovation so that all its stakeholders would be benefited to a great extent (Just Us, 2012). Marketing planning at Just Us is significant because it will try to identify the various challenges that the company face and thus in light of the strengths and opportunities faced by the company, it will be aimed to focus upon how the company’s performanc e can be enhanced (Just Us, 2012). The main objective of the study is to discuss the internal as well as external marketing environment of Just Us. The study will also entail the ethical issues that have been raised in the context of the case study. The significance of product life-cycle concept to Juliet and the problem that can be faced by the company due to deleting a product from the company’s product range will also be discussed in adequate detail. The study will endeavour to offer suggestions to improve the cafe’s performance and provide recommendations on how the company can update its current marketing programme. Internal and External Environment of ‘Just Us’ All the factors within the organisation that affects the strengths and causes weaknesses in an organisation are referred to as internal environment. All the factors outside the organisation that offer opportunities and thus pose threats to an organisation are referred to as external environment (Kazmi, 2008). External Analysis a t ‘Just Us’ For the purpose of creating effectual strategies Just Us Cafe needs to examine the external environment in which it tends to operate. The analyses of factors such as competitor analysis, PEST analysis, Porters 5 Forces Model are crucial in this scenario. Competitor Analysis ‘Just Us’ has numerous competitors across the product line in the local market such as Nova Scotia and also in the wider market such as Canada and the US. It is quite important for the company to comprehend the competitors’ resources in order to predict the degree of future threats. Java Factory is found to be one of the significant threats to Just Us. One of the specific competitors of Just Us has been Kicking Horse in the Canadian market. Therefore, it can be stated that competition poses a major threat to the company (Loudyi & et. al., 2009). PEST Analysis It has been evident from the case study that one of the political factors, which has been hindering the success ful operations of ‘Just Us’ was certified identification of actual fair trade. There is constant alteration in the economic environment. The case study demonstrates the fact that a few of the competitors are offering partly organic ranges along with mainstream organic coffees. It has been identified that Just Us practices premium pricing strategy. However, in the recent times the companies need to consider the disposable income of the consumers in choosing the products. Therefore, it is quite important for Just Us to be aware of the fact that consumers feeling for one particular product can be impacted by their income, despite how
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The increasing use of computers in schools Essay
The increasing use of computers in schools - Essay Example Hence, schools have introduced the use of computers not only to improve students' academic performance but also to increase students' familiarity with new technologies as well as make learning fun and effective for students. The introduction of computers in schools aimed first to improve students' performance in their academic subjects. Educators believe that the computers facilitate ease and convenience especially when these are used by the young people to write papers or do research. Studies done by researchers at Boston College state that regular use of computers in order to do research and write paper can improve students' writing abilities. These students are said to perform better in schools than those who don't use the computers on the same undertakings (O' Dwyer et al, 2005). Researchers also found out that the students' constant use of the computer results to higher score in standardized writing tests as a consequence of their learning from producing drafts, editing to correct errors and writing the final copy. In addition, computers have made the access to information swifter as students do not have to browse through books in the library in order to search to gain access for hard to find data.
Learning and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Learning and Development - Essay Example This report has recommended a multi-tiered and large-scale structural change to the Mumbai, India call centre. The first stage of the change involves the implementation of a training program. The next stage implements employee and customer evaluation practices that establish employee raises, as well as employees who can assume supervisory positions. While statistical models are greatly implemented during this phase, the next evaluative phase implements qualitative research methods to identify individuals for career counseling practices. These individuals will receive career counseling and then be given the option to receive higher levels education and then an upper level management or executive position with Acorn’s operations in the United Kingdom. Finally, the report has demonstrated that human resources contribute to both competitive advantage and business strategy. Introduction Organizational culture and behavior spans a wide array of elements and concerns. One witnesses a great many elements related to organizational concerns in the Acorn call centre that was recently opened in Mumbai, India. Opened in 2003 the Acorn India call centre is an off-shoot of the company’s main United Kingdom operations. While some cultural elements were considered in establishing this centre, including voice and accent training and cultural awareness, it is clear that there is a degree of dissonance between practice and perception. What has emerged is an organization that is experiencing high turnaround and an organizational culture that feels they are not a part of the main United Kingdom operations. Some of the most prominent theories have considered the nature of organizations as conforming to trends and values within the specific institutional environment Leong (1993, p. 42). Referred to an institutional theory this perspective offers an overarching perspective on organizational culture Leong (1993, p. 42). In terms of establishing organizational culture itâ⠂¬â„¢s recognized that such elements are established both within the employee community as well as in the structure the management and executives establish Leong (1993, p. 42). Within the context of Acorn institutional challenges have emerged as the company structure in the United Kingdom has not applied readily to its Mumbia, India operations. This research advances with the overarching contextual recognition that because of this organizational culture major changes needed to be implemented in relation to learning and development and career management. Specific considerations are given to the organization’s training programs, demographics, and in-built career advancement practices. Analysis Learning and Training While career elements constitute perhaps the greatest focus for needed organizational change at Acorn, more foundationally staff training constitutes a major area of concern. Just as Acorn has failed to establish a career management program the organization has also fallen short in establishing adequate training mechanisms. One of the central thorough-puts of this analysis then is the recognition that before Acorn has the necessary corporate infrastructure to implement the career system that will satisfy their employees at the Mumbai call centre it must first establish a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The increasing use of computers in schools Essay
The increasing use of computers in schools - Essay Example Hence, schools have introduced the use of computers not only to improve students' academic performance but also to increase students' familiarity with new technologies as well as make learning fun and effective for students. The introduction of computers in schools aimed first to improve students' performance in their academic subjects. Educators believe that the computers facilitate ease and convenience especially when these are used by the young people to write papers or do research. Studies done by researchers at Boston College state that regular use of computers in order to do research and write paper can improve students' writing abilities. These students are said to perform better in schools than those who don't use the computers on the same undertakings (O' Dwyer et al, 2005). Researchers also found out that the students' constant use of the computer results to higher score in standardized writing tests as a consequence of their learning from producing drafts, editing to correct errors and writing the final copy. In addition, computers have made the access to information swifter as students do not have to browse through books in the library in order to search to gain access for hard to find data.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Drilling for Oil in Alaska Essay Example for Free
Drilling for Oil in Alaska Essay Currently, there are more than 70 million drivers who drive more than 113 million vehicles each day. Compared to 30 years ago, drivers have increased their driving by about 44 percent in terms of the miles they have driven. It is likewise suggested that since 1970, traveling vehicles per year have increased about 145 percent. These information is according to the American Petroleum Institute; with increased driving miles and vehicles traveling on the road comes the corresponding increase in the need for fuel (Beyond, int). Though fuel can be considered the most reliable source of energy, it is unfortunate that it is not the most environmental friendly source. Any individual who choked walking behind a car due to exhaust fumes knows for a fact that it is not beneficial for the environment as an energy source. Right after cars leave noxious black smoke, the need to have some effective means of fuel refinement becomes a pressing concern. The gas industry did not take long to develop technology for cleaner fuels. Modern fuels including unleaded fuels in the market nowadays are said to be less of pollutants and less hazardous compared to fuels of the past decades. According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, there was a dramatic 41% decline in vehicle emissions since 1970. While there was such a decline, this does not mean that the associated environmental problems on fuels are solved (Beyond , int). The major issue is in the process of getting crude oil from the earth. Transport accidents, oil spills and pipe leaks still remain common. The American Petroleum Institute asserts that there are many steps which are initiated to ensure that natural gas and oil can have minimal impact in the environment upon production. Moreover, the institute also asserts that with the use of diect technology in drilling, they are allowed to access gas resources and oil that lie beneath the sensitive areas of the earth (Chance 105). So far, despite the very impressive advancements in drilling technology, human intrusions and oil rigs still continue to modify the environment and cause habitat devastation. The Alaska Wilderness League’s legislative director, Brian Moore knows the harm produced by drilling. According to him, the Prudhoe Bay 400 toxic spills annually, and those spills do not only affect the drilling site but also nearby lands. The devastating effects are clear and real, and these are not made up by environmentalists. It is very difficult to forget the otters, seabirds and seals covered in oil, which slowly died during the spill of 10 million gallons of crude oil in 1989 from Exxon Valdez. It is very natural for environmentalists to campaign and strategize plans against the drilling in a wildlife dense area. The possibility of drilling the lands of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which is a well-renowned area for pristine habitat and unique wildlife is shocking and alarming news to all environmentalists and nature lovers (Exxon Valdez disasterâ€â€15 years of lies). Viewing the issue from a different angle, the oil drilled in Alaska can reduce the oil imports of the United States of America by 15%, since at present, the oil imports of the country is over 25% from the Middle East. The effect of oil from Alaska in helping in the management of oil prices is very essential. However, it can be quite pointless, given that all Americans can reduce their consumption of oil by simply eradicating commercial vehicle SUVs granted exemptions from the standards of fuel efficiency, developing hybrid technologies and drastically raising the requirements in fuel efficiency (Beyond, int). If the refuge of Alaska is made open for drilling, then the Rocky Mountains and the coast of California will come in next, and if oil drilling will be open everywhere without any limits, the available oil will increase by magnitude, which can probably ensure the energy source of the US for decades. Not only of the US but of the world. The availability of oil will help the industrialization of many nations; however, in the same measure, the risks to the environment will also substantially increase (Berger 40). The officials of the Bush administration claim that the drilling in the areas of the Arctic will pave the way to enhancing U. S security by diminishing imported oil dependence. They are also promoting this controversial undertaking by asserting that drilling will help reduce the shortages on energy of the country. On the other hand, only a meager portion of electricity comes from oil. It was explained by the American Petroleum Institute that crude oil prices are established in the world markets retorting to supply and demand. The fresh discoveries will be critically significant to supply. Each oil barrel domestically produced is one less barrel that should be bought from foreign sources. In the long term, added U. S. supplies will help reduce the prices of crude oil given that the demand for crude oil from sources which are not from the US is muck lower compared to what it will be without additional domestic production (Berger 85). To alleviate the emergency of frequent blackouts in California and the increasing prices of gasoline, President Bush is promoting the increase in supply of energy instead of decreasing its demand. It may be too late to put a stop to the rising prices of gas, especially for traveling seasons like summer. The president is supporting the plan of utilizing the oil supply of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (LaDuke 30). As expected, this proposition of the president has clashed with activists of the environment and with some residents of the targeted area. They are arguing that ANWR’s available supply of oil is insufficient to validate the potential damage to the environment. It is very hard believe that oil drilling in Alaska will guarantee benefits to the citizens of the US, since any kind of oil in existence will take almost a decade to enter the oil market and the estimates on the oil amount in the area are but tentative. Moreover, prices of oil will not change from drilling oil in Alaska given that the oil amount is minimal in the refuge. Harmful pollution and oil spills are foreseeable effects of this proposal of drilling from the area (Stage, int), and much more if it goes together with industrialization. In Alaska, there is an estimate of 300 to 400 oil spills annually, which is approximately greater than one oil spill a day (Oil spills in, int). America’s largest oil spill was the oil spill of Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska last 1989 on March 24. More or less, 10. 9 million gallons have spilled to over 1,100 miles of coastline in Alaska. It all began when an oil tanker hit a reef in the Sound (Heinrichs). The death toll of wildlife was extremely upsetting. Over 2,800 sea otters, 250,000 seabirds, 300 harbor seals, nearly two dozen whales and 250 bald eagles (Don’t, int) perished due to the event. Oil is still present in the area and it is now toxic (Exxon, int) even though Exxon insists that everything is been cleaned and paid for. A more recent event happened on December 7, 2004, where a freighter of Malaysia ran aground. It was carrying 21,000 of diesel fuel and 483,000 gallons of heavy bulk fuel (Oil spill devastates, int). The oil spill was so alarming and devastating, since oil is extremely difficult to clean up and threatens the refuge of nearby (Oil spill devastates, int). As the drilling increases, the occurrence of oil spills tends to follow in the same pace, such trend is sure to exist with more oil drilling in ANWR even as responsible large companies have promised to respond quickly. The risk of devastating wildlife is always there (Montgomery 38). How can people justify permission of oil companies to drill in an area rich with endangered wildlife? Why do oil companies still continue to drill even with the massive oil spills and its dangers? Is this activity truly worthwhile for the country? Sadly, these questions remain unanswered; however, it does not mean that these should not be asked incessantly. While importing foreign oil is a dire need, the solution is not in the destruction of pristine areas for oil supply. What should be done is for the government to invest dollars from taxes in renewable and clean energy (Stage, int). Together with this proposal for the government, Americans should act to help save what remains of our wildlife. ANWR is something that the United States of America can truly be proud of primarily because of its wildlife. It is unlike anything else. Its beauty is incomparable and unmatched. The prospect of drilling the land for oil should not be presented to oil companies. Such activity should be be discouraged as much as possible, there are many other ways to find alternative energy sources. Everyone must help to protect and preserve one of Alaska’s grandeurs or else, it will just be a picture of a beautiful landscape left in everyone’s memory. Works Cited Berger, Thomas R. Village Journey: The Report of the Alaska Native Review Commission, Hill Wang, New York. 1995. p. 40 â€Å"Beyond the Brooks Range: What is at Stake in Alaska Concerns More Than Just Caribou†. Ecoworld. com. 28 December 2004. http://www. ecoworld. com/home/articles2. cfm? tid=360. 25 March 2008. Chance, Norman A. The Inupiat and Arctic Alaska: An Ethnography of Development. Holt, Rinehart Winston Press, New York. 1990. p. 105 â€Å"Don’t Allow Big oil to drill in the Arctic National wild life Refuge†. Defenders of Wildlife. 17 March 2005. http://www. defenders. org/wildlife/arctic/print/overview. heml. 25 March 2008. â€Å"Exxon Valdez disasterâ€â€15 years of lies†. Greenpeace. 19 March 2005. http://www. greenpeaceusa. org/features/details? item_id=681778. 25 March 2008. LaDuke, Winona. Alaska: Oil and the Natives. Earth Island Journal. San Francisco: 2003. Vol. 18, Iss. 3, p. 30. Montgomery, David. ANWR 1002 area and development: One question, many issues. Oil Gas Journal. Tulsa: 2003. Vol. 101, Iss. 15; pg. 38, 5 pgs â€Å"Stage is set to drill in Arctic Refuge†. Greenpeace. 19 March 2005. http://www. greenpeaceusa. org/features/details? item_id=796496. 25 March 2008.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Generic Conventions of Documentary
Generic Conventions of Documentary The Purpose of this Essay is to explore the Generic Conventions of Documentary and Documentary photography, comparing the two and to explore how street photography has evolved since its introduction in the late 19th century. This essays primary purpose is to Examine How Street Photography came about and how it has changed since it was revolutionised in the early 20th Century, then it will explore and compare two photographers who forever changed the way that street photography is perceived, The secondary purpose of this essay will be to debate the question, unlike documentary photography, which sets out to record historical events and everyday life, does street photography need a subject in the image in particular with Eugene Atget, who went around photographing various street corners and shops in Paris without a person in the photo. First of all, one must ask the question, exactly what is a photograph? In The Photograph, Graham Clarke Describes the word Photograph as Light Writing, he goes on to say that it also speaks as an underlying concern to control light and time and that the photograph not only signals a different relationship to and over nature, it speaks very much to a sense of power in a way that we seek to construct the world around us Clarke, (1997, P11). In most photographs its left up to the viewer on how they read and perceive a photograph, Graham Clark continues by saying The photograph has a multiple existence which informs its multiple meanings, its seeming simplicity of form and function belies an implicit problematic of sight and representation Clarke, (1997, P11) What Clarke is suggesting to the viewer is that photographs have multiple layers of text conveyed within one image, Clarke wants the viewer to look closer and determine what the photograph means to each person individually and why its being represented in this way In relation to street photography this is the main question to be explored in the second part of this essay. So how does one read a photograph? A picture is worth a thousand words, but how does one interpret them? Every time the viewer sees an image he or she has their own personal view of that image so it falls to the photographer or artist to put their own messages/meanings behind their images and leave the interpretation open to the viewer, Photographic Art Generally falls into four main types of photographic genres, Landscape, Portraiture, Fine Art, and Documentary, each picture in each genre gives off a different emotional response In Particular Eugene Atget and Cartier Bressons Photographic styles would fall into the Landscape Documentary categories. So lets look at what these two categories are, in photography; The Key Concepts, David Bate describes documentary photography as Telling a story with pictures, Documentary photography gave new life and social function, Documentary aimed to show in an informal way the everyday lives of ordinary people, to other ordinary people - Bate, (2009, P45). This emerged as popular practise following the First World War, and began to develop through the 20th century, after the horrors of the First World War, more and more photographers went out and photographed everyday events happening to normal everyday people out in the streets, this social documentary work went on to dominate the early 20th century with people undertaking projects based on the after effects on war and how it changed the lives of everyday peoples lives forever, One such example would be the 1972 accidental napalm attack in the Vietnamese war, one of the most reproduced images of that time, Robert Haeberles People abo ut to be shot which Clarke describes as An anonymous war machine raining down napalm accidentally on innocent children but such a narrative cannot deflect us from the presence of intense agony Clarke (1997, P160) By looking at this photo the reader is invited to feel all the emotions these children went through, screams, cries and sorrow, but the photographer is trying to invite the reader to understand that although we can see visually how horrible the events were, that theres nothing more horrible than what the innocent subjects were going through, The Photographer Robert Haeberles statement himself guys were about to shoot these people I yelled hold it and shot my pictures, M16s opened up and from the corner of my eye I saw bodies falling but I did not turn to look Rovert Haeberle Clarke, (1997, P160). Next theres Landscape Photography, there are many different narratives that landscape photography could fall in to, but the main thing to think about with street photography in landscapes is what is the photographer attempting to show the reader in a landscape picture? Is it just the environment, the place, or is it perhaps a landscape being dominated by the presence of humans in the photograph, In David Bates Photography, the key concepts, Bate goes on to say what this means is that whatever is seen is always coded via the picture. Therefore HOW the material is seen in the picture, the way it is pictured, is as critical as what is shown Bate, (2009, P90) the photographer is encouraging the reader to think of the bigger picture of what the landscape photograph represents, Roger Fenton, one of the early Pioneers in photography was one of the first to make the reader question and think about what they were viewing, his approach was to places that had been established as tourist areas, places that people already had a view on, places of great beauty and social harmony In his approach to landscape Fenton both reflects a highly specific cultural vocabulary based on literature and painting, this sense of the photographer as privileged tourist is underscored by the way Fenton often photographed tourist areas which had already been depicted in painting and literature his images reflect the leisurely assumptions of a class of people who looked upon landscape scenery in aesthetic and philosophical terms (Clarke, 1997, P56). The photograph often gives off a hint of a unified Britain, but Fenton, a war photographer, is trying the challenge the readers views and make you see the bigger picture, look beyond the picture and think of problems that may have been going on around that area at the time. This brings the essay on to Part two, firstly unlike Documentary Photography, does Street Photography need a person in the photo? As mentioned earlier in the essay this is left very open to the viewer to make their mind up, Eugene Atget didnt think it did, Eugene Atget was one of the main pioneers in 20th century street photography, and most of his work was done on the streets of Paris, his photos that do have people are very surreal, questioning our perception of what is dream and what is reality, looking at one of Atgets pieces of work, A Corner, rue de seine, As quoted by Clive Scott in Street Photography, From Atget to Cartier Bresson Perhaps the most celebrated photograph of this street is the one that Atget took on an early May morning in 1924, a photo of a wedge shaped building at the corner of the rue de seine, The oblique view shown here emphasizes the rapid foreshadowing created by the wide angle lens, the distortion produced by the lens also gives the building a marked pre cariousness, is this tilting to the right a consequence of intoxication or old age? The building has open eyes, only on the third and fourth floors at the near end, everywhere else in the building is sealed in somnolence or death -(Scott, 2007, P178/P180) The Photograph is a very surreal image which is challenging the reader to try decode its many layers, The viewer sees it as an image with a lot of gothic potential, the mist adds to this effect, and the building is shown to be in disrepair, so although the image is shown without subjects, theres a much deeper hidden meaning, a very dark and dreary meaning that could perhaps signal a change in cultures, the building is old, very pre-World War One, perhaps this image also trying to indicate a struggle to adapt to the new world after war, also although most of the text in image is left blurred or too small to read, we can clearly read the words petit bouif which is actually a shoe repair shop, which Atget is also well known for photog raphing, we also see the pictures of what we assume are lost family pets, again we can relate this back to the time, 6 years after the world war ended what exactly has Paris become. Moving on to Cartier Bresson, much of his work is not actually considered documentary photographer, he was a revolutionary photographer who couldnt really be placed into any single genre, he did almost every type of photography you could do, but although he wasnt a documentary photographer, one of his most well-known images that Im going to look at is, the photo was taken outside the train station saint lazar, although colour camera did not exist at this time Bresson noticed the rain in the foreground, and the beautiful mist like feature blocking the houses in the background, and by chance he saw a man jumping over the picture which he then snapped on his black and white camera, we can see from the picture that the man was caught in mid motion, the blur that has appeared from the mans speed but also the contrast makes the picture stand out more, so we have to ask the question, had the man not been there jumping over the ladder when Bresson snapped him, would this have becom e arguably Bressons most well-known photograph? Although there is still a lot going on in the picture, such as the ladder and rubble in front of it, the railowsky sign clearly visible in the midground, and even the other person visible near the background, at least in this case although Bresson may not have been a documentary photographer, this picture is a documentary photograph Reference List: Scott, Clive. Street Photography. London: I.B. Tauris, 2007. Print. Bate, D. (2009). Photography. Oxford: Berg. Clarke, G. (1997). The photograph. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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