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The Doctrine of the Church - Research Paper Example For what reason would you say you are so discouraged, O my spirit? For what reason do...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Banana candle wax Essay
Abstract The researcher conducts this study due to economic crisis nowadays. Its aim is to create a product of floor wax which is cheaper and could give the same quality which the commercial one could give. In this modern age, floor polishes were made from synthetic materials. We decided to put back the floor polish of the old days that was made from natural materials. We choose banana peelings as component of the polish. But first, we must find out if the product was an effective as commercial polish and if it can be used for different surfaces so the researcher conducted an experiment. We scraped the inner portion of banana peelings and boiled for four hours, extracted the and blended to obtain a smooth gel. We therefore concluded that the Floor Polish Made from Banana peelings was effective as commercial polishes. The product did not contain harmful chemicals so it was environmental friendly, safer and cheaper. This step was made by the researcher to make a floor wax out of banana peel: first, we mix 2 candle wax then it was melted in a low fire. While still hot, add 1 teaspoon of oil. After mixing, add the banana peels, Stir it and leave it after 3min.then strain and pour in a container. Introduction and its background As of now, our country is facing a great crisis in economy. The researcher found out that in school, they required using of floor wax (commercial) to prevent the floor shiny. Even in the houses, floor wax is being use. So, the researcher decided to make a floor wax which is very affordable and can give an equal quality as the commercial can. Statement of the problem a)Can banana be an alternative source in making a floor wax? Formulation of the Hypothesis a) Banana can’t be an alternative source in making a floor wax. b)Banana can be an alternative source in making a floor wax. Significant of the study This study can give benefits to the people especially to the poor once, to have a good business and also to save money for their other needs. Especially in schools, it will give a benefit to the students as well as their parents to save money. It is also easy and enjoyable to do. Scope and limitation This study is only limited for the investigation of banana (Musa paradisiaca) used as alternative source for floor wax making. The researcher chose this study for further investigation if the banana can be an effective source for floor wax. 8.) Definition of terms a) Banana – a tropical fruit b) Floor wax – a substance used for shining floors. 9. Related Studies BANANA is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten fruit. They are native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia and Australia. Today, they are cultivated throughout the tropics. Banana plants are of the family Musaceae. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the production of fibre and as ornamental plants. As the bananas are mainly tall, upright, and fairly sturdy, they are often mistaken for trees, when the truth is the main or upright stem is called a pseudostem, literally meaning â€Å"fake stem†, which for some species can obtain a height of up to 2–8 m, with leaves of up to 3.5 m in length. Each pseudostem would produce a bunch of yellow, green, or even red bananas before dying and being replaced by another pseudostem. Banana leaves are widely used as plates and for lining cooking pits and for wrapping food for cooking or storage. A section of leaf often serves as an eye-shade. In Latin America, it is a common practice during rains to hold a banana leaf by the petiole, upside-down, over one’s back as an â€Å"umbrella†or â€Å"raincoat†. The leaves of the ‘Fehi’ banana are used for thatching, packing, and cigarette wrappers. 10.) Materials †¢Banana peelings †¢Wax Crystals †¢Technical Dye (if desire) †¢ Container †¢Kerosene 11.) Procedure 1.)candle wax. 2.) Melt the materials in a low fire. 3.) While still hot add technical dye (desired color). Stir the mixture. 4.) Add small amount of oil. 5.) Add the Banana peel. 6.) Pour in a desired mold or container and allow it to harden. 12.) Presentation of data analysis & interpretation 13.) Results As the researcher conduct this study, the researcher found out the following: SUBJECT # BANANA FLOOR WAX COMMERCIAL 1 Shine more shine 2 more shine shine 3 Shine more shine Based on the ff. data, the researcher made a better study related to this project and found out that banana floor wax could give also almost the same quality which the commercial one could give. 14.) Summary Floor waxing is essential to maintain the shiny gloss of wooden floors. However, if you find buying ready-made floor wax prohibitively expensive, it’s possible to mix candle wax and oil with banana peels to create a substance suitable for use polishing your wooden floors. This home-made floor wax will give a comparable shine and smoothness to that of commercial products, and the oil counteracts the banana peels stickiness to ensure the finished sheen isn’t tacky. 15.) Conclusions Therefore we conclude that the banana Floor wax is attractive, effective and easy to do. The researcher therefore concluded that banana floor wax could be used as an alternative source of commercial one. 16.) Recommendation The researcher would highly recommend that we could use banana floor wax instead of busy commercial floor wax in the market because it’s cheaper and fits in our budget.
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